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!I am embarrassed by a lot of these chapters due to most of them being so old! I hate and love seeing the comments I get from you guys although seeing them on old chapters make me cry- (not rlly but) 😳😳

!I am not really in this fandom anymore, although I may continue to update?? I do like writing for you guys still :)

!I know that you guys mostly just followed me for Sanders Sides but I also want to write for other fandoms so please please please let me know what other things you guys would love to see! 


For the future of this book..

1. I will keep it uncompleted, I know that you guy's like it and hope for more. I will in fact probably end up making more later on, which is why it will stay unfinished. 

2. I may end up deleting or reworking certain chapters due to me dying whenever I see it in my notifications.



- I'm sorry I never got around to doing requests, I know I said I would but I didn't expect to get so many. I tried to (it is still in my drafts) but then I kept on getting distracted and not really wanting to write and ended up finding that I don't actually like writing one shots, I like writing actual stories. (Which is why I ended up making that Deceit story.)

-You can continue to request because like I said, this book will never be finished, I will continue to post (although It wont be as often as I used to) and  I will someday get around to doing them. 

- Leave requests down here for other stories you'd like to read! I really want to interact with you guys and see what type of things you like!



As your author, I will try my best to keep your interests in mind. But as a person, I will not force myself to write what I don't want to.

Seeing as I'm most likely not going to be writing much for Sanders Sides anymore.. I want suggestions for perhaps a name change? I've been getting into My Hero Academia so maybe suggest something to do with that. 



Right now, I can only think of writing for a few fandoms but change is possible for the future. 

These are some of the fandoms I've recently become a part of and would be happy writing for. 

!My Hero Academia

!Toilet Bound Hanako Kun

!The Promised Never land


I love y'all, thanks so much for being here for so long long (even when my dumb ass didn't post for a while- and especially when my dork face self just posted this dummy thing 😳) 

Again- Thank you so much! Please tell me now in the comments what you'd all like to see (bc me asking for that three times already wasn't enough 😳) 


Clarifying questions! (Because the questions I asked might get lost between my rambling.)

1. What do you want to read?

2. What should I change my username to?

-SANDER SIDES- X Reader ONESHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now