Remus x Reader P3 (SMUT)

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(writing these make me cry, thanks ;)) )

lmao this is horrible 0-0


your view


I stomped up the stairs following behind my new boyfriend, Remus. He looked behind to me, he gave a toothy grin. I smiled back, maybe this won't be like mine and Roman's past relationship. I make it up the stairs.

We both enter his room, I go and jump on Remus's bed. Remus goes over and locks the door subtly, to the point where I barely noticed, but even though I did notice I didn't exactly care. Remus made his way over and sat down beside me, he grabbed my hands gracefully and raised them to his face.

Remus kissed my hands and looked into my eyes which were still sore from crying so much, Remus then suddenly pulled me towards him. He clashed our lips together, at first I was surprised.. I'm still surprised. Remus pulls away "Oh, You don't like that?" I feel bad "N-no! I do, it's just- I'm flustered" I pushed some hair behind my ear as my face glowed red.

"Oh, I can help you with that" He fixed up his position, patting his clothes down "Oh- hey, I think you still have some blood on your face" I try to find the spot on my face where he's pointing but can't find it, he leans in close to me again.

He graces his hand over the spot and wipes it away with his thumb, then then licks it off "I love the taste of my deceased brother" He says, I smile at him with a dumb look on my face. "Can I- um- you?" I'm confused "huh?" He kisses me again and then pulls away again "Can I go further?" I don't know exactly. But my instinct is to say yes, so I do. 

Remus cheers happily. I grab Remus by the face and I smash my lips onto his, we both keep kissing passionately. Remus grips my hips and pulls me closer to him, he then falls over me but we continue to kiss each other. 

I flip us over so I'm over him. Remus bites at my bottom lip, asking for entrance, I deny so. Remus growls at me and I can feel my heart pounding, I smirk into the kiss. I then, without warning, slip my tongue into his mouth.

Remus squirms from underneath me, getting hot. Our tongues dance together in a sweet but competitive way, trying to get dominance. Obviously, I win. I travel through the insides of his mouth, I forgot- He eats deodorant and ate Roman's blood.. Nice.. However, I cannot taste those things right now, so I think I'm okay..

I pulled away from Remus, our saliva connected together still by one thread. I looked into his eyes, they were looking up at me wantingly. I loved seeing him like this.. I want to feel like this all the time..

I moved in and began nibbling at his jaw, making my way down to his neck. I placed a hand on his chest as I kept on leaving marks on him, he bit on his lip to keep a slight moan from escaping but It didn't work and I heard it. Meaning that I had to go harder. "Didn't know you were so freaky" Remus groans "I didn't know you were so cute like this" I bite on his neck which makes him moan.

Remus moves his arms from under me, and then moves me underneath him. Remus pins me on the bed under him. Remus's hot breath was present on the side of my neck. Remus closed the gap and began necking me, I breathed heavily.

Remus moved down from my neck and began sucking at my collar bone, before finally getting to the part of taking my shirt off. Remus lifts my shirt over my head and practically rips off my bra, I bite hard on my knuckle.

Remus stares "wow. All for me?" He looks at me and I nod "thanks" He goes back in and kisses the valley between both of my breasts, taking one of them in his hand and kneading it roughly. I moaned into my hand. 

"Take your shirt off before I tear it from you" I tell him "wow, dominant?" He winks at me and takes off his shirt. I stared at his chest just as he stared at mine "Why didn't you tell me you were this beautiful?" I asked him "You were too busy listening to Roman telling you how beautiful he is" I chuckled.

Remus came close to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders, pulling me up so that we're both sitting together again. He whispers in my ear "I will never do that shit to you like he did, if anything happens or if anyone does anything to you then they WILL be dead" He tells me and I listen. "I'll make sure you know how much I love you"

Remus stands up and unbuckles his pants, the buckle fell to the ground and so did his pants after a second. I closed my legs together and then Remus came over and opened them again "You gonna take them off for me?" He smiled sweetly and I shook my head with a smirk.

He smirked back and grabbed my legs, pulling me close to him at the edge of the bed. He tore off my pants, the fabric was tossed on the ground. Remus then got down at the edge of the bed where I was and took off my panties with his teeth. You could tell how wet I was from that.

I turned my flushed face away from him "You should of told me to bring my swim suit, because it is so wet!" He joked around and then continued. His hot breath was felt on the inner of my thigh, I bit on my lip. Remus stops playing around all of a sudden and gets serious, he goes in and starts eating me out.

I throw my head back in pleasure, the feeling of his long tongue against my clit was making me high with pleasure. I placed my hand on his head and gripped onto his hair, he groaned which sent vibrations which made me moan even more.

"mm-" I think I was gonna cum, Remus thought so too. That's  why he's so mean. Remus pulls away, Bitch.. I'm gonna get you back! I get up and push him onto the bed, I throw his pants and boxers wherever they landed and got to work.

I bopped my head down on his member and began sucking him off roughly, he groaned loudly, like so loud to the point of waking up the entire fucking world. I look up at him, he's biting his lip just as I did but not as hard. Remus was drawing blood from his mouth as he bit down hard.

I wrapped my tongue around the shaft of his dick, he grabbed a handful of my hair "y/n-" He moans out "mm~ Don't say my name like that, I might get addicted" I continue. "Y/n" He's a bit louder this time, that's it bitch. I'm gonna get the most moans out of you possible, and you're not fucking stopping me.

I go faster and harder, his head is shaking violently. Tears stream from his face as he tries not to cum or moan, I take his hand in my hand. I lick around the tip of his member "You bought this on yourself" I warn. He nods his head.

"Do you wanna cum?" I ask him, he nods faster. "Then lean back. And don't you dare hold out from me unless you want me to force it from you" he goes to say something but I pounce on him, his back hits the bed.

I straddle his legs, I look at his face and see him starting to whine a little "Did you wanna be top?" He nods his head shamefully "It's okay, I promise you won't regret being a bottom" I kiss his cheek before grinding on him.

Remus is told to let go, and to just let all his moans free. He does so, probably waking up the dead from his voice. No one fucking told me he was this sensitive and loud, I mean.. I probably should've assumed but-

I buckled my hips against his, riding his dick. I bounced up and down, trying to get a reaction from him. Remus clawed at my hips, I smirked at this "What's wrong?" I asked mockingly "I-i'm gonna cum" he moans "I know. I won't stop until you're all out" He winces "out?" I nod my head.

Remus releases in me but that doesn't mean that I'm stopping "mm- Y/n" He groans, I thrust my hips "MM-" he covers his mouth, his chest rising and falling without rythm. "Y/n!" he screams "Y/N!" I thrust harder and harder.

Remus ejaculates for the thirteenth time, he begs me to stop. "Okay, I love you" I whisper to him "I love you too, freak" We both then cuddle in the same bed, later to be interrogated by the police.

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