Scenario #6

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-Scenario 6: You like them-

Thomas (Your view)

Me and Thomas were walking as usual back to his house after being at the park for a few hours, when we were encountered by this girl who came rushing over to Thomas and began flirting with him. I was okay with it at first but then started tensing up when she started touching him, I could feel Thomas's anxiety from here. I was a jealous bitch and I was ready to rage "Excuse me." I tapped her on the shoulder and she whipped around. 

"what?" she asked in an aggressive tone "Fuck off from my boyfriend" I tried to get her to leave. Thomas smiled slightly at this and I smiled back "You guys don't look like you're dating!" She comments while crossing her arms "Dude- just because you're fucking dating everyone doesn't mean that we aren't" I gestured to me and Thomas. The girl huffed and left. Thomas smiled lovingly at me and my heart almost died at his smile. 

Roman (Your view)

Roman sat remorsefully on the ground with his knees huddled to his chest, he stared at the ground and cried. I felt a little bad for the royal boy, he had always been one to take care of me, even if I treated him horribly. I felt as if I had to help him and so I confronted Roman.

"What's happened?" I ask him "Logan told me something and I didn't like it" he answers vaguely "he told me that there's only a 30% chance as of now of you actually having feelings for me! 30%!" Roman sobbed into his knees "oh, by the way, I got you this" Roman hands me a little crown and I smile at the gift. Maybe I could like him?

Logan (Your View)

I sat cross legged next to my best friend, Logan, he was talking to me about what I missed while I was gathering my stuff at home to move into Thomas's house. I had missed so many things, but in all honesty, I probably missed Logan the most.

"Y/n? Are you alright? You've been staring blankly at the wall for five minutes" Logan states "Oh, sorry, just thinking!" I snap out of it and I continue to actually listen to Logan, his voice is very soothing.. I think I've just fall in love..

Patton (your view)

I have always loved Patton in a platonic way but all was changed in an instant. I was laying with Patton on his bed, we were both just looking at photos of cats and taking about how it'd be cool to have one.

"I wish I could get a cat but I'm allergic" Patton cries out and I comfort him, his soft embrace makes me whimper when we pull away. I pull him back in for another hug and I relax, I love this, I love this! But- wait.. Do I love him?

Virgil (Your view)

Virgil's dark humor was amazing to me, with how mysterious and deep he was at times, it was very hypnotizing. I tried to talk more with Virgil even with him being incredibly anxious now. I hung out with him today, we both sat on the couch and watched the nightmare before Christmas.

I was watching the movie when a million thoughts suddenly came to mind. Maybe I wouldn't mind if Virgil was to like me? He was amazing, nice, funny, caring, and safe.. Maybe I wouldn't mind liking him back either.

Deceit (your view)

Deceit was slipping up on telling his lies, which was funny to me. I laughed at him every time and he would pout angrily, his pout was actually kinda cute. I should make an effort to hang out with him more.

I stared at Deceit from the kitchen and I peered at his distinct features from a distant, his clothes, his snake-ish form, his many surprisingly smooth scales, and his hypnotic eyes which could make you see through time. While staring at him, my cheeks heated up.. Did I really like him?

Remus (Your view)

I hopped on the couch and landed on Remus, his body was squished underneath me "Wow, could've just told me if you wanted to sit on me" Remus wiggles his eyebrows and I flick his forehead "ow!" I just noticed how cute he looks..

Remus then sneaked his hands around me and then pinched my ass again, I didn't do anything "Oh, not gonna hit me this time?" he sounded honestly shocked "I'll get you back" Remus smirked "Oh, really?" I nodded and then proceeded to chase after him and his ass. I love that bitch.

 Remy (Your view)

I sat with Remy in starbucks, we both sat in a little booth together on our phones and talking about random shit. We both sounded like two high school girls, and I was fine with that. I placed my hand on the table and Remy placed his hand over mine, my face was heating up but you wouldn't be able to tell from looking at me.

"You need to paint your nails again, the polish is chipping off" He teases, I rolled my eyes and then he let my hand go. I knew in an instant that I liked him. "I'm not good at painting my nails" I lied, I just wanted him to hold my hands again.

Emile Picani (Your View)

I was talking to Emile after office hours outside of his work, we were both sitting in his car getting ready to go to the park actually. "Y/n, how are you today?" he asked me "I'm feeling better now, you make me very happy" I smile at him.

"You make me happy too" Emile's smile widens at me and I see his cute face being happy, my heart spins around and I melt at the sight of this joyful little man. I nodded my head at him since I didn't know what to say next.. 

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