Remus X Reader

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I live with my best friend Thomas, I know of all of his sides and am equally as great friends as I am with him. Thomas never told me that he had 'dark sides' I had ended up finding out by mistake and kept it hidden to myself that I had that knowledge.

But Thomas found out eventually that I knew and apologized profusely to me non-stop. I gave him a huge hug and told him that he isn't a bad person, and I'd still love him even if he was to make some mistakes or accidents.


I exited my bedroom and walked to the staircase where I saw Virgil sitting at the bottom, he usually sits around here when Thomas is preparing for his videos. I had a quick peak to see what was happening when I was suddenly called by an unfamiliar but familiar voice.

"Y/n?" I came down "yeah?" Everyone was staring at me with wide eyes "Please don't hate me-" I could hear someone say under their breath "what's wrong?" everyone hesitated "One of the others has made an appearance, and we are concerned for you" Logan spoke up.

"concerned, for me? Why?" I was worried "He has some very bad creative ideas" I got confused "he's apart of creativity, but all of his ideas consist of bad things" I smiled slightly "What's his name?" I looked up.

"The duke" I felt a cold breeze go past me as someone appeared out of no where "Aw, were you talking about me?" I took a glance at him. He was wearing a lot of black and green, a part of his hair is gray, and he has a mustache.

"Hi" I waved to him. You see, I'm the type of person who want's to make sure Thomas knows that I'm happy with his other sides, bad or not. "Hello, who are you?" Most of them don't know me at first though because of how the main side's had tried to block me out and keep me safe.

"I'm Y/n, everyone's best friend." I told him as he grabbed my hand "Can we be friends?" He seemed interesting "don't trust him!" I turned my head to see a very exhausted Roman leaning on the wall. "he's friends with Deceit"

"Oh, you know Deceit?" I turned back to the Duke and tried to talk with him. "Yeah, we made a deal" Duke smiled maliciously at me and I couldn't help but feel intrigued "You made a deal with a liar?" Logan pushed his glasses up.

"How do you know him?" Duke ignored Logan and spoke to me "I was there when he morphed into Patton and deceived us into thinking that Thomas had no morality and that lying is good, he's really funny" I smiled stupidly.

"Oh, that's fun! We should hang out some time, I don't think Deceit actually likes me" The Duke grabs something out of thin air and begins chewing on it, is that deodorant? "It's pickled poolongs" He bit down.

"oh- cool" I didn't really mind in complete honesty "cya guys, I'm gonna hang out with Deceit and The Duke I guess" They tried to stop me but couldn't because of Thomas's mind boundaries, they weren't allowed near the dark room.


"Hey Deceit!" The Duke waved to the abyss "By the way, call me Remus" he turned and spoke to me. "What do you want?" Deceit appeared behind us and snarled at Remus but stopped when he saw me "oh- Y/n" he stuttered.

"What are you doing here?" Deceit looked confused "I'm trying to get to know you and Remus better" Deceit shook his head "why?" I shrugged "I wanna be your friend, I want Thomas to know that I like every side of him" I smiled at them.

"You don't like us" Deceit stated but it wasn't true "I do like you's" I corrected "You're funny, I like it when you make people angry" I told Deceit and then spun to face Remus who was almost screaming for Attention.

"I haven't known you yet, but I've heard you've got some bad ideas. I hope they don't mean boring" I smirked at him and he looked away "Of course I have good ideas" he replied "I'm frustrated that Thomas hasn't taken any of them though" I pat him on the back.

"well, what are they?" He shrugged "I told him that he should jump out of a moving car, but he hasn't done that yet!" I scoffed "really? He'll probably end up doing that soon though, he does do lots of acting"

"I also told him to kill his friends" He looked at me dead in the eyes with a bright smile "then why hasn't he done it yet?" I asked "His morality" I nodded "He does know that he can tell me all of his intrusive thoughts, right?" I hadn't actually noticed but during the middle of the conversation, deceit had left.

"No" he smiled like a dummy "But I don't think he would" Remus smirked "Why?" Remus laughs "He has bad thoughts" he bursts out again "Like what? I'm his best friend and I'm a genuinely cool person" I tell him.

"He has bad ideas about everyone" Remus sounded like he was getting a little off topic "He has bad ideas about his friends" I stopped him "Bad ideas about me?" I raised an eyebrow "yes" I sighed "Well I know that, he probably wants to stab me"

"Yes, but that's not the only bad idea he's had" Remus seems to be spilling a lot here, I don't know why but I like it. "Oh yeah?" he nodded "He's actually had a dream though, where he killed somebody and he called you about it" Remus begins chuckling loudly.

"What did I say?" I asked "You said- you said "Why didn't you kill me, pussy"" I cracked a smile "Of course I would" I laughed so much that I ended up falling over into Remus. He caught me and didn't let go, I didn't mind and didn't care.

"Hey dude, I accept you"



Ew this shit is nasty, what the fuck

That can be another story, Thomas killed somebody and you're called to help.   :0

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