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"hey we all look pretty darn good" jack says as we laugh.
"mind sending that to me i gotta post it on the band account" jonah says as he puts his number in. I put in as ' h o e n a h <3'
"wow" he says laughing.
"i mean she isn't lying" daniel says as we all laugh. "you should take one yourself and with each of us" corbyn says as I pose infront of the castle. I smile as Jack comes towards me, we strike a pose as we laugh a little.
"ou my turn!" Zach says as he lifts me up.
"watch your hands mister!" austin says as we laugh. we take the picture as jonah comes we do a peace sign and silly face, as daniel comes he grabs my hands, as we pretend to dance like cinderella and prince charming. we looks in my eyes as he spins me around.
"got it!" corbyn says handing my phone to jack, I go on his back as he spins me around.
"corbyn!" I say laughing as he finally puts me down.
"come on let's go to the rides" Jonah says as we walk towards the rides.
"we can meet you here in a couple of hours, makayla you have our numbers call me if anything happens okay?" catherine says hugging me.
"and boys protect my beautiful princess" austin says doing (idk how to explain but like when u use ur hands and put it by ur eyes then at the others no? okay.)
"will do sir." they all reply before we drift apart from them.
"alright let's go to the mad tea party?" jack says as we head to the exit line.
"isn't this the exit line?" I say stopping.
"yeah but we got vip so we can skip the line" jonah say grabbing my hand as we head to the ride. We wait as they start ending the ride.
"all in one tea cup?" i say as we all agree.
"we gotta sip that tea" daniel says in a british voice and holding up a fake tea cup.
"omg when are you guys gonna do another tea time with why dont we?" I say as we head to a tea cup.
" we should bring those back" zach says as he sits next to me.
*skip the ride*
"that was awesome!" i say as we start walking.
"yeah besides when JACK had to make us slow down" corbyn says.
"hey i'm sorry i get dizzy easily!" jack says as we laugh.
"let go to splash mountain" daniel says as we walk towards there, waiting in line.
"it's a roller coaster?!" I say.
"yeah is that okay?" jonah says.
"i've possibly maybe never been on one..." I say chuckling nervously.
"it's okay we'll be right with you" daniel says as we go on the log. jonah in the front, corbyn behind him, jack, zach, me then daniel.
"ready?" zach says looking back.
"uh no" i say laughing. we go through some caves as daniel gets up. "daniel get down!" I say he starts filming.
"it's fine, they can't see m-"
"sir sit down" the speaker says as i start laughing.
"mmh sure they can't see you" I say laughing as we continue to ride, we head to the peak as we drop making us all scream.
"That was... AWESOME" I say looking behind daniel all wet. we get off the ride as he squeezes his hair getting out the water.
"aw some got a bit wet?" I say laughing.
"bring it in makayla!" Daniel says coming in for a hug.
"daniel no, daniel!" I say as he gives me a hug.
"mmh yeah" he says hugging me tighter.
"i hate you" I say laughing.
"sure you do" he says laughing. we walk around going to a few more rides as we get hungry.
"hungry?" zach says as i nod.
"let's go to blue bayou" jonah says as we head inside, seeing lanterns.
"this is very beautiful" I say as we wait for a wait  head to our table. After a few minutes we head to a circle booth, I sit in the middle, daniel and jonah besides me.
"can I get you anything to drink?" the waiter says pulling out there notepad.
"makayla?" Daniel says asking me to order first.
"apple juice for me" i say.
"there's apple juice here?!" Daniel says looking at the menu.
"um yeah" i say showing him the apple juice.
"i'll have apple juice too" he says smiling.
"water for me please" zach says.
"coffee for me please" jonah says as we all eye roll.
"what?!" he says.
"you always get coffee!" corbyn says putting his hands on his temple.
"i'll get coke" corbyn says.
"lemoande please" jack says as the waiter walks away.
"it's a bit expensive here.." I say looking at the prices.
"don't worry about the prices, get what you want" daniel says. *5 minutes later*
"here are your drinks" the waiter says as they spill my drink all over me.
"omg" i whisper as the boys scoot not trying to get wet.
"i'm so sorry!" the man says walking away.
"it's fine, where's the-" i says as i see them already gone.
"come on let's get you cleaned up" daniel says as we try finding the bathroom.
"well this is great" i say as he heads in the mens bathroom.
"here's some paper towels" he says handing me some paper towels.
"thanks" i say drying myself.
"welp my outfit looks bad" I say sighing.
"it does not,  you look amazing" he says lifting my chin up.
"i have apple juice stain all over my outfit" i say.
"wait-" he says going to a waiter grabbing a drink. he comes back as he throws the drink over his shirt and face.
"daniel-" i say as he whips his face.
"yes?" he says cleaning himself.
"you didn't need to do that" i say chuckling.
"now we are matching" he says grabbing my hand and heading back to the table.
1009 words 4.21.19 not edited// woah me posting on the same month?! woahhhhh anywho hope you like it xx melanie and make sure you vote and share it <3 question; who's lane are you in? a; daniel <3

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