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The chariot rushed to the palace. The king Azaron and lady Majorine where in the throne room

"War is coming to Dragon shale Azaron" said Majorine Azaron stood from his throne and looked out the window at the chariot as it paused at the palace doors and the messenger ran out
"Majorine I want you to run away with our son And avoid the war against your sister.", "Azaron are you telling me to run."she stood up to Azaron "you know am the only Dragon raider here in this kingdom, you don't stand a chance against her Azaron trust me."

"If that's it then........"the door was banged open,It was the messenger my queen he said as he fell to the ground Majorine ran to him "Hosea what's wrong."she asked "your majesties veronica killed the entire troop we had sent to Segefas sub parish," he gasped"veronica slaughtered one by one mercilessly save us your majesties."he began to cry. Majorine stood up and faced Azaron,"what are going to do Azaron?"

Long time ago a rock fell from the sky and destroyed all human civilization a century later the humans that survived the amagaedon built continental kingdoms Dragon shale of the raiders, Chuxfix demon kingdom,uncharted land of the witches and the North land of the supernatural. The rock gave a pathway for demons and the supernatural to find there way to our world but also returned dragons the greatest creatures of all time and these blessed humans with great raider powers that we could use to fight against demons and the supernatural creatures. The raiders had incredible powers they could chant spells and create life with their abilities but with time royals also become raiders who were the strongest of all Raiders until Majorine and her sister Veronica were born. After Majorine's coronation Veronica's jealously lead to war between the two sisters.

Dragon shale:

Majorine entered into her bedroom and stood next to a Cribble as she looked at a silver haired baby and said "my son you are going to be a great king one day." as she carried him out of the Cribble. A shadow begun to form behind Majorine,she turned "Isabel..! "she shouted joyfully as the shadow gained form in to a female human like figure "Majorine." She replied in a crooked voice and after full transformation she was a black girl with long black hair and red eyes "it's not a everyday your demon friend comes to visit a queen,"she opened her arms "come give me a hug."majorine rushed to hug her childhood friend "Isabel did u get what I asked for." Asked Majorine

"Yes but are you sure you want this." Isabel looked at the baby yes, "my son should have a great future "said Majorine "he is the future king of Dragon shale and the raiders and I don't want Veronica to find out, so tell me Isabel now.","okay a raider is made of Dragon blood and human blood and we can suppress the human Dragon side with demon blood.","okay let's chant now." Said Majorine Isabel got a knife and passed it through her hand,she then placed her bloody palm onto the baby's forehead as her eyes turned red "dark dawn dark day make this BOY one with us father."

Isabel chanted the candles of the throne room blowout as a dark figure Walked to Isabel "YOU KNOW HE IS OF ROYAL BLOOD MY DAUGHTER." Said the dark figure yes father make him us she said as tears ran down her face Majorine looked outside the window and saw Azaron on a horse" he's here" said Majorine with fear "complete the ritual now Isabel."she said hurriedly " okay,okay bring your palm Majorine."said Isabel "the spell is remaining with only one step your chant that breaks the spell of royal blood."

Majorine knelt down and began to chant,her eyes turned black as she touched the baby's forehead and suddenly a flame moved into the child as his hair changed from silver to black "he is now yours Isabel raise as your own."tears ran down her face as she removed her palm from the little baby boy "it is done he is now part of........"," part of what?" Isabel was interrupted by Azaron "what is going? " he asked angrily

"I thought we had........." Azaron paused Majorine looked at him and asked "what is it ?" "Shsss......"he silenced Majorine and on looking out a dragon flew above the castle. "Sister... Sister.... Sister.......", the whispers of veronica 's voice passed through Majorine she then fell to the floor "Majorine " shouted Azaron rushed to Majorine "Isabel go now with our son. " said Azaron

"your Majesty but....! ", "I know your a demon but please save the future of our kingdom. " tears ran down his face "Hosea. "He shouted "yes your majesty." He replied. "get these two a chariot directly out of the kingdom. ", "yes your Majesty ."

Hosea pointed at Isabel "this way malady. " Isabel looked back for she couldn't believe she was carrying the last raider king. She moved out into the chariot and looked up to see Azaron who was at the palace window. Tears flowed from Isabel's eyes.

"And the king lives. " said Azaron as he touched Majorine's unconscious face. ", "now it time"Azaron pulled out his sword from his scabbard. "For war." his eyes glowed green with anger.

The North:
Veronica moved to an iced wall as her pale face and silvered hair cleared a passage before her. Dragons landed behind her "Tabaias my dear where are you? " a short dark figure crawled out of the darkness into the blue light of the ice "my queen. " said Tabaias.

He was tall, pale and undead he had rotting flesh blue eyes with white hair. Tabaias looked at Majorine's sword and it was dripping with blood Tabaias hesitated and moved back

"I see your from war my queen. " yes Tabaias and you know tomorrow is war. "She said " and Tabaias did u get the undead army", "yes my queen."he said in a skimpy voice and "how to kill a royal raider.. "Veronica asked, Tabaias smiled "well my queen" Veronica smiled as she looked at a sword forged from ice and steel "well let's end this......." Said Veronica


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