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Chufix kingdom

I never knew that one day the world will end, Ezra laid down the gun and looked at the photograph that laid at the nearby coffee table "Ezra run." She remembered her father. Ezra looked at the door tears ran down her sorry face "I couldn't save anyone." She cried.

A dragon flew above the house Ezra got her gun and moved out of the house "show yourself beast." She shouted as a huge white dragon set feet on the ground Majorine jumped off the dragon Ezra raised her gun "demon." she said as she pushed the trigger and begun to shot endlessly at Majorine.

Majorine levitated the gun from Ezra's hands to hers"what do you want Majorine." "She asked I want to meet the queen of the demons." Ezra laughed "you really think that she could work with a person like you." Ezra commented.

Majorine smiled as she walked into the blue light "I know what am doing Ezra don't give me an excuse to burn you."Ezra smirked " you can't kill me even though you wanted" you know I won't Ezra Majorine smiled Ezra hugged Majorine strongly "I missed you she said. Ezra was a teenager her long black hair illuminated her red demon eyes.

My name is Ezra drangel am technically a demon.  whenever I close my eyes I see the beast.

"A,B,C.....where are you?"young Ezra hid behind the couch. Ezra Ezra ....." Her father called for her. Young Ezra looked out the window and saw the astroid move from the sky "daddy." she shouted as she ran out of the house "Ezra.... Ezra...." she heard her dad call from inside the house Ezra turned but in a split second  the astroid hit her house,a moment of confusion hit her mind saw through the window "daddy no....." Young Ezra screamed as she watched her father disintegrate. Ezra ran to the house and suddenly a huge force threw her into a car

The memory still haunts me I couldn't save anyone

Majorine was walking with Ezra "well briefly welcome to england well what's left of it" said Ezra Majorine looked at the collapsed buildings and homes "this must have been a great place to live in. "said Majorine "yeah but now you can't live in it."Ezra commented.

"Where is you child? "Ezra asked "Hosea and Isabel took him.". "oh my God we have a king heading our way that is so........," Ezra stopped "do you hear that?"."no!"Majorine replied "Hermes." Majorine called out to her dragon it flew closer "look for anything near us." The dragon vanished. "wow invisible dragon nice.." Ezra commented.

Majorine's eyes turned green as her environment changed Ezra disappeared as the sun showed up Majorine." A young girl appeared behind her "yes Hermes." Said Majorine I have located that two undead are running close to you should I engage she asked no if we act now Victoria might take it personal."said Majorine

Her eyes changed back to normal "vampires 3 o'clock." she said as they faced each others back Ezra loaded her gun as Majorine begun to cast a spell. The two boys ran to them and suddenly both stopped "hail Veronica we've come with good news for you Majorine." Their eyes turned green "strange those are raider eyes not so."said Ezra
"Hello sister." Veronica's voice was heard "long time isn't it,Tomorrow we are going to clash sister and see who will win."

"But before that." the boy smiled as his eyes changed back to red it dashed to Majorine and threw her on the floor she struggled to release herself as it opened its mouth to suck her blood.

Enough somebody carried it off her body and threw it to a wall Ezra .... Majorine saw each
Ezra begun shooting at the vampires until they could no longer move.

You know for a queen you are weak Ezra commented actually I was.....she right you know Majorine and Ezra turned to see a female like human figure jumped from a nearby building,Ezra knelt down Immediately dark figures with demon like eyes stood behind her "who is that?" Majorine asked "that is Victoria the greatest demon to walk these parts. Our queen."

Majorine knelt down. Suddenly Victoria vanished "royal blood dragon blood....." Majorine heard from the nearby demons  "what is that?" she asked Ezra "they fear you they know you have a dragon."

Victoria came to Majorine "hello my fellow queen." Majorine looked up to see a woman looking at her "yeah enough with act am not going to fight this war, am sorry go ask William but not me." Victoria walked away.

"We need demons Victoria you guys are strong and veronica is stronger than ever."shouted Majorine" she slayed a full army of dragon raiders." Victoria stopped "okay I will join but what are we versing."

"Undead,dragons,witches and veronica on devils mountain tomorrow are you ready."Victoria smiled "let's finish this reunion." Her eyes turned red.

Meanwhile in the Uncharted forest
Hosea are we safe that we have the king of dragon shale." Isabel asked

"As long as there is hope for........ "Isabel teleported away and suddenly the chariot was blew up by a near by force. "Hosea." she screamed.

The baby begun to cry,Isabel covered his mouth to create total silence.

Hosea crawled out of the flames he had lost a lot of blood but from behind the flames opened away for a woman with silvered hair "Majorine." Hosea thought,but on looking it was Veronica.

"Hosea Hosea Hosea ......little brother."she said

In chufix

The two queens moved through  the dark sides of the dark kingdom the day was getting dark and more worries came through poor Majorine's mind "am I going to win this one."She thought to herself  Victoria saw the pain on Majorine's face. Under her great beauty was a sorrowful queen.

"Majorine  what did you do to your sister that she hates you so you?" Victoria asked in a joking way Majorine looked at her "well she was supposed to be the queen of dragon shale but father couldn't allow her vengeful heart to rule so he gave the power to me. "She said.

If so then.... ...  Victoria heard something

"My queen six dragons are heading to you." Hermes telepathically  informed Majorine "Hermes!  Burn them she shouted

"Who is Hermes........ " A great white vicious dragon appeared in the sky. Victoria couldn't believe her eyes "that is Hermes. "Majorine smiled.

The dragon flew into the sky to face the  other six.

Hello Hermes long time..... Said one dragon its dark wings and red eyes showed that it was on Veronica's side. It  charged at Hermes and pushed her to the ground..

It pushed its claws into Hermes "Majorine help. " it roared

Majorine and Victoria stopped and looked at the dragons  clash. Ezra ran to the two the ground was quaking every moment the dragons hit each. "I need to to help her."Majorine said

"Ummm I think we have our own problems." Ezra tapped Majorine's back and on turning a huge dragon was charging to fire at them.

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