the raiders

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Hosea's blood was on the ground he looked at the burned chariot he crawled to get his sword "little brother." Said Veronica as she stepped on his broken arm Hosea screamed in pain Veronica bent down and yanked his hair.

She looked at him "this is so sad." She laughed and carried him by the neck,Isabel was in the nearby bush fear in her eyes as she held the baby's mouth. Veronica looked at Hosea "you won't win big sis." Hosea smiled."good thing you won't be there to see."

Tabaias came with a sword "my queen." he said as he knelt giving it to her "perfect." Veronica smiled she held the sword and faced it to Hosea "let's see if this really works" said Veronica "what is that?" Hosea asked as he begun to shake.

"its a treat that father left us."she said as she placed it on Hosea's body "goodbye brother."she whispered no no no please Veronica.... Hosea tried to fight Veronica's grip as tears ran down his face.

And in just that moment as Hosea shouted Veronica pierced the sword deep into his heart "Hosea.........." Isabel shouted as she jumped out of the bush Veronica pulled her sword out of Hosea's heart and dropped his dead body.

Get her. She shouted . Her dragons roared and begun to flap their wings and head for the sky. Isabel ran to Hosea's body "Hosea Hosea talk please."she cried his eyes opened "the blade its killing me,my life force is low.." Said Hosea "I know someone that can help..."Isabel raised her arm and cast a spell that made a horse appear. Let's before......"

Before I find you Veronica interrupted Isabel stopped she knew veronica was behind her she closed her eyes and formed a fist. Veronica smiled,Isabel turned and released a huge flame out of her hands aiming at Veronica .

The force threw Veronica through the nearby trees and knocked her unconscious"my queen" Tabaias looked. He raised his hands To the sky, his eyes turned blue as dragon flew behind him "oh no." Isabel said Tabaias smiled and said "Burn." The dragon released fire from its throat. The fire encroached Isabel,the baby and Hosea and in that second a huge cloud of smoke was formed.

Tabaias stood,the undead came to him "get our queen now."He looked at Veronica. She was unconscious.

In another part of the forest

Hosea and Isabel had teleported . His body fell to the ground, his energy was fully exhausted from his battle with Veronica "Hosea please be alive." Isabel put the baby down Isabel elevated his head close to hers. Hers touched his wound and kissed him.

A bright light shone out of Hosea's body and suddenly his eyes opened. "Hosea your alive" she
kissed him more as her arms wrapped around his body. They both kissed each other as the light from the sunrise hit the green leaves of the entire forest.

"Its a beautiful scenery isn't it."Hosea said as he touched Isabel's face, as he saw her great beauty in there brown skin and the complexity of her red eyes "am sorry for what i......." Isabel silenced him "let's enjoy the moment."

In dragon shale

In the morning......

Azaron move from the castle to see the sun rise from the west "today is the day."he thought to himself. He walked to his throne room and looked at his amour. His green eyes illuminated in the reflection of his shiny armor.

A knight walked in to the room and said "Your majesty the army is ready." Azaron stopped and looked at the knight"I will be there Sebastian." Sebastian moved out of the room.

Outside the castle armored dragons flew from the sky closer to the ground. King Azaron walked out "knights and raiders I begin with thanking you for your sacrifice to protect the land of the dragons
and I we shall not lose."."for dragon shale." Azaron shouted "for dragon shale!"shouted the knights and raiders.

Azaron jumped onto his dragon "we head to chufix." it begun to flap its wings of the ground,the knights got onto their horses and rode out of the kingdom.

In chufix

The dragon charged its fire at Majorine Victoria and Ezra .Majorine raised her hand stop!! She commanded the fire."it stopped "wow the hell.." Ezra commented.

The north

In a dark iced castle.....

Veronica awoke from her unconsciousness the sun was streaming down in her pale face "Tabaias come now." she shouted there was no response "Tabaias Tabaias......." ,"No one can hear you" she turned to see a man dressed in a black suit the rings on his hand showed that he was a wizard.

"William what do you want."she asked."Tabaias spoke to me and we collaborated."he said "what do you mean?"she asked William held a nearby hour glass "it means all witches and wizards are on your side and we are hearing to chufix for war as we speak."

Veronica woke up from slumber she breathed heavily as rage covered her face. She wore her cloak and pushed her sword into the scabbard, her eyes glowed red.

She walked out of the castle "Hades." She called out and of great sudden the light of the entire castle was blocked by a huge shadow of a dragon Veronica smiled as an armored dark dragon flew closer to her. Its sharp teeth and claws were terrifying.

Come on darling we have a war to win.......

Veronica jumped onto it as it raised itself to the sky.

In chufix kingdom

Majorine absorbed the dragon's fire and blew it back to the dragon.

Impossible only royal blood can do that." The dragon stated news flash am royal blood Majorine replied,she then ripped the sleeves off her jacket and charged at the dragon.

The dragon flew to Majorine at high speed with Majorine raised her sword to the dragon and on clashing Majorine held the dragon's neck and pulled it down as it pushed her into a building. With Her brute strength she pushed her feet into the ground to reduce the dragon's force.

A green energy flowed from the dragon to her,the eyes glowed brighter than ever.

The dragon lost its strength and at that moment it collapsed "Majorine I don't know if you have insurance but I need this kingdom renewed." Victoria shouted Majorine walked out of the stones and concrete that had landed on her.

Majorine's hair begun to glow like fire and her eyes were bright "let's end this war." she levitated her sword into her hands and flew up into the sky.

Ezra looked at her as she flew away. A moment of silence aroused in the area "they are here." Ezra looked at the entrance of chufix Victoria looked, to see a zombie in a knight's armor and behind it Tabaias stood next to William from "death we are reborn." Tabaias shouted

The fog behind the two vanished as the army became clear. From Their dead blue eyes to their pale skin.

William smiled when he saw Victoria

"William...... "Said Victoria

Who will win this one ...

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