Tim dragonblood

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Hosea and isabel rode their horses through the kingdom gates and stopped, Hosea jumped off "your majesty. " said a guard holding a sword "what happened your majesty ." a man asked veronica........ "She killed 90% of our troops." Isabel said, she jumped off the horse and pulled of her helmet.

Majesties majesties ........... A woman ran to the two royals what's wrong Emberle Isabel asked, Emberle sighed "Tim his power is ...too...much."

Oh no........ Isabel thought and rushed to her horse and rid off to see Tim.

Its been 6yrs ever since the rise of the dragon empire, war befell Evernoor and the empire, and in that war the kings of Evernoor died and so the power was passed on to Hosea and Isabel dragonblood.
Evernoor was mostly developed for its kings were wise and powerful.

In the dragon empire...
Veronica's silvered hair reached to the floor as she sat on her iron throne, the power off the four kings flowed through her Veronica "you've gone to far ,don't you think."said Brandon I have just begun my dear. She smiled at Brandon and touched him when I brought you back to life I wanted a husband not a counselor."she said.

The doors opened Tabaias walked through" My queen we've defeated Evernoor's best warriors but the king has the lighting sword so they won." Said Tabaias.

Veronica moved close to him..... You fool." She punched him across the hall and used one of her powers to lift him in the air Tabaias six years you can't win,that can't be a coincidence that we always lose." , my queen I have served you for eternity. " she laughed "lock him away." Demons begun to pull him down to the prison "mercy mercy my queen." he screamed at her.

That is what happens to traitors.... She said looking at the rest of the guards.

Isabel reached the school of magical arts. She looked at a small boy who was chained to the ground by two teachers

The boy broke the chains as the two teachers braced for another attack Isabel looked "oh no dragon fury." She thought fight fight fight the students cheered ." Mom "a boy called Isabel, he was light skinned with the dark blue eyes of his father" henry what is going on."

Tim's powers just turned on and. . .... An explosion happened and looking back Emberle had stopped the fight by using a sleep spell against Tim, and just that moment the little boy fell to the ground.

Take that boy to an academy his too powerful for a normal magic school a teacher complained touching his wounds, "take him to Dark Phoenix High or Cross Hox Academy of magic."one of the teachers said looking angrily at Isabel am sorry your majesty this isn't his place." Emberle said "Don't you think he is too young for an academy." ,"But he is too powerful for normal magical lessons." said Emberle.

Isabel looked down to Tim "Get me an admission to Dark Phoenix." she said to Emberle. Mommy are you taking Tim away little henry asked I have to but when you turn sixteen you will study with him.

A chariot stopped in front of them, she stepped in henry and Tim get In
But Tim's eyes were still glowing of energy and power of a dragon. His energy is rapid Isabel thought.

Night the fell......and in the castle Hosea was going through some spells , a young blonde woman came before him "Hosea she is coming." , "Catherine what do you want?" He asked her you taking my powers caused this Hosea she whispered and touched his shoulder I love you Hosea." She whispered "Get your filthy hand off me am married." Hosea said "You have no...." The doors of the hall opened "no what." Isabel said Nothing. " he hesitated

Am sending Tim to Dark Phoenix Academy tomorrow. Hosea looked shocked "why?" he asked "he is too powerful for junior magic."

Emberle walked in with a phoenix on her shoulder "he's in."

In Tim and Henry's room. Tim are you leaving me henry asked sadly" I have to find where I belong little brother."

Tim pulled a sword from the shelf of weaponry and brought to henry wanna see something cool yeah Henry replied Tim touched the dragon symbol on Henry's hand and passes a sword through his palm.

The entire room changed to a place with dragons, the green pastures and magical completion wow "what is this place...." Henry asked "where dragons come from their own world." Tim said

Where our powers come from henry pointed at a huge dragon "yeah that's the origin of all dragonblood and their magical powers." Tim said. Tim passed as the two brothers spent their time in another realm all night.

Dark Phoenix academy......
Why am I here, its already morning Tim thought to himself as he walked through the hallway of the school "why is everyone looking at me I think because am six." Your majesty Tim...... He was brought back to his senses" am your principal Mr Hughes." Okay" how did I get here "he sounded scared "well we summoned you early this morning. "

Ohh.... Tim moved to school entrance and looked at the dark Phoenix logo wow....

He then ran and locked himself in his room why he shouted then released and energy force that destroyed his wardrobe his eyes. Changed flew with fury "Tim." He came back to his senses he looked behind and saw Majorine "mom."

He hugged his mom where have you been "Tim am not here,"she said "Tim darkness won the battle but you can win it ","mom how am just six."," Tim "your blood belongs to the most powerful dragon ever you need to know your fate my son."

"106 years ago riders came to life as the most powerful beings every. Riders were those blessed with the blood of a dragon my son, but when ice-fire(Ingeel) the most powerful dragon blew his fire to a normal dragon blood, the dragon blood became the first royal your grandfather, he fought wars, but he never gave up so be strong Tim Dragonblood your more different than you expect, more darkness is coming each more powerful than the other be strong ." Tim looked at her okay mom I love you." I will love you forever king Tim Dragonblood." She said and smiled at him "bye." she then vanished

I have to win back my kingdom .........
he thought to himself and made a fist

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