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adore POV

"I-I'm sorry, what?" Bianca asks, blinking. 

"I mean I don't know what it feels like, I've never been in love before. but it hurts when you're not around and I always wanna make you proud. my heart beats faster when you call me all those nicknames, and you always make me smile. I don't know if that equates to love, but I wanted you to know." I finish, wiping the singular tear from my face. Bianca still looks confused, making me regret telling her. "I'm sorry if you didn't want to know that.." I whisper, still looking down. I feel Bianca's hand on my chin, lifting it up.

"don't be sorry, you just caught me off guard. I love you too, kitten." she speaks quietly, pulling me into a kiss. I sigh happily, pulling her closer. we separate, and I lean my head on Bianca's shoulder and look back over Paris.

"I don't think I've ever been this happy." I whisper, playing with the belt hoops on Bianca's shorts. 

"me neither, kitten, me neither." she whispers back. 


"thank you for today, momma. I  had  a lot of fun." I smile, closing the door to the villa behind me. 

"your welcome, kitten. what do you want for dinner?" she asks, walking into the kitchen and opening her fridge. 

"you." I smile, leaning on the doorway. 

"cheeky. not yet, babygirl. what do you want food wise?" she replies with a chuckle. I sigh and stand behind Bianca and look into the fridge. 

"I guess that tortellini?" I say, pointing to the plastic box of uncooked pasta. she nods at grabs it, chucking near the cooker. I grab a pan and fill it with water, setting it on the hob and letting it start to heat up. 

"cheese?" Bianca calls from the fridge.

"yeah sure, but not that cheddar stuff, mozzarella." 

"okay, kitten." 


"momma, why do you love me?" I ask, curled up in Bianca's arms in bed. we have been watching re-runs of the Simpsons with English subtitles on the bedroom tv for the past hour and a half and I was getting fidgety. 

"why do you ask that, kitten?" she asks, lifting my chin so I can see her face. 

"nobody has said they love me before, I guess I just wanted to know why you do." 

"haven't you been in past serious relationships before?" I nod and look down. 

"yeah, but they weren't all that good. I mean, there's a reason why it ended." I whisper, not wanting to get into it. 

"why?" I swallow hard, and keep looking down. 

"they weren't nice mommy's, or daddy's. they were mean to me, told me mean things. and I didn't like their punishments." I whisper, feeling the familiar burn of tears at the back of my eyes. 

"then they were assholes. nobody has the right to tell you things that make you upset. and punishment wise, if what I'm thinking is what the reality was, that's illegal. you know I'm not like that right? I would never o that to you. I love you." she finishes, placing a kiss on my forehead. I bury my head in the crook of her neck to stop the tears from falling. 

"I love you too, momma." she kisses my forehead again, making me smile. "can I have a proper kiss please?" I ask sweetly, looking up at her. she smiles and gently cups my chin, pulling me closer. our lips touch and I immediately deepen it, gliding my tongue along Bianca's lips. she parts them and her tongue explores my mouth, making me moan. Bianca pulls away almost as soon as it started, making me whine in protest. Bianca chuckles and focuses on the tv. I sigh and straddle Bianca, pulling her face away from the tv so she will look at me. 

"no fair." I whine, poking her dimples. she smiles and places he hands at the top of my ass. 

"what, kitten?" she asks, amused. 

"you tease too much." 

"do I now? I only tease when I feel like it." I scrunch my face up and place our foreheads together glaring playfully into her eyes. 

"then you must always feel like it. you need to stop teasing as much." 

"really? why do you say that? indulge me." I growl quietly and push my forehead closer to hers, making her head hit the wall. 

"please stop teasing." I whisper, getting desperate. she smiles and pulls me closer, hands still on my ass, our lips less than a cm apart. 

"beg." she whispers, squeezing my ass. 

"momma! please! You're doing it again." I whine, frowning. she smiles cheekily. 

"good girl." she whispers before smashing our lips together. I sigh happily into the kiss, my hands moving from her neck to her hair. Bianca squeezes my ass, making me moan quietly. she kisses a trail down my jaw and onto my neck, biting down near my earlobe. I moan happily, tilting my head back to give her more room. she leaves a few kisses along my jaw line, slowly inching closer to my soft spot. she finally reaches it and bites down hard, earning a loud moan from me. she leaves a dark hickey there, kissing down my neck until she reaches the hem of my hoodie. I impatiently pull it off of my body, lifting Bianca's head so I can re-attach our lips. 

"needy are we?" Bianca chuckles, pulling away. 

"yes." I state, pulling her back into a kiss. 

"don't forget who's in charge here, kitten." she pulls away again, making me whine.

"momma, please. you've been teasing too much." I whine, frowning. she raises an eyebrow and flips us over, making me smile. 

"you can't cum until I say so. and ill replace the fishnets." she states, earning a confused look from me. she smiles coyly and trails kisses down my body, pulling off my skirt in the process. I hum happily, feeling Bianca's lips reaching the top of my fishnets. I hear her rip them at my crotch and I gasp, the wetness on my underwear only getting bigger.  

"that explains that." I whisper, biting my lip. she looks back up at me briefly, smiling cheekily, before placing kisses over my underwear. I squirm happily, arching my back. she hooks a finger under my underwear, moving it to the side, and her tongue glides along my clit. I moan approvingly, bucking my hips forward to feel her again. Bianca holds my hips down, making me whine. 2 fingers ender me without warning and I scream her name as she worked me over, tongue gliding back over my clit. this continued, soon feeling the bubbling sensation in my gut. 

"m-momma, I-I'm clos-se" I manage out, moaning uncontrollably. 

"not yet, kitten." she pulls away to whisper, diving back in to torture me more. holding back was awful, but the feeling of Bianca's slender fingers in me made it worth it. 

"m-momma I cant h-hold it for much longer" I whine, pushing my body down so Bianca's fingers go further into my hole. bad plan, I almost came then and there. 

"ok, kitten. cum for momma." she pounds into me one more time before I cum all over her hand, moaning and groaning loudly. "good girl." I smile sleepily, still high off of my orgasm. She pulls her fingers out, making me moan, and puts them to my lips to suck. I hold eye contact the entire time I lick my own cum off of her fingers.

"your turn, momma" I smile, sitting up. she raises an eyebrow at me, wiping her mouth. 

"what do you mean, kitten?" she asks, moving up next to me. "you want to eat me out?" she asks, amused. I look down, blushing. 

"yeah." I speak quietly.

"you sure?" I nod, straddling her and pulling her into a kiss. 

"please I'll be good." I whisper between kisses.  

"okay, kitten." I smile excitedly and pull her back into a kiss, placing my hands either side of her head against the wall. 


word count - 1300 


HIIIII im back back back again. im still annoyed with myself that I missed a da but oh well, I cant change it. hope you liked this chapter. I gtg. 


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