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Adore POV

We're sat in bed, well I'm sat on  Bianca and Bianca is sat on bed, and we're watching French tv. No idea what it is but I'm not even watching it, busy scrolling through Instagram and texting vanjie. She had said the she has a surprise for me when I get back and since then, almost an hour now, I've been bugging her to try and find out what it was. She hasn't given in yet but I'm determined.

I'm not telling you what the surprise is bitch! What you doing today with this new boo? Have you told her you love her yet?

Yeah, she said it back. Almost had a fucking panic attack, not that she needs to know. I think we're going to a dance thing tonight, she wants to learn partner dance for some reason. As for the day, have no idea. How's brooke?

Yeah she's good, insisting that I wear a full length wedding dress. I think the fuck not. She's making herself go crazy with all the wedding planning, and she's worried for my health because I'm not fussed 🙄😂. I have to go strip now lmao, talk later. I miss you idiot xox

Lmao 😂. Bye, have fun. Miss you too chiona xox

I turn off my phone and sigh, attracting Bianca's attention.

"What's wrong, babygirl?" She asks, kissing my forehead. I rest my head on her shoulder and sigh again.

"Nothing much. Just miss my girls back home." I reply, missing her neck. She gives me a squeeze.

"I can fly them out on Saturday if you want? Im goimg to be mainly working that weekend for my meeting Monday. I won't be much fun. I even have a couple spare rooms?" I break into a wife grin and pull Bianca into a passionate kiss, not letting it last long before replying.

"You would seriously do that for me? I love you so much!" I exclaim pulling her back into a kiss. I move from my position on her lap and straddle her so I'm not hurting my back before diving back into another kiss, both hands cupping her dimpled cheeks.

"Love you too, princess." She whispers between kisses. We eventually pull apart so I can text vanjie and trixie in our group chat.

The kitty gurls 🐾🔥🌈

Girls, how do you feel about coming to Paris for 3 days on Saturday? Xox

Are you fucking serious!? Xo

I am all fucking in as long as I can bring Brooke! Who paying for the tickets tho, I'm a broke bitch lmao xo

You won't have to pay, Bianca has a private jet 🤤😳. She'll send it back for you guys xo

I'm fucking in!! Broke can get Monday off, and so can me and trixie, right! X

Yeah! Michelle won't mind, hopefully. Can I bring Katya? 🙃🙏 xo

Yeah sure. Awesome! I have to go thank Bianca 😉 talk later girls! Love you guys 😘

Omg 😑 didn't wanna know that! Love you too, slut 🤣😘 xx

Get that puss! Love you girls too 😘 xox

I turn off my phone and squeal.

"So they said yes?" Bianca asks, resting her hands on my ass. I smile and nod, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Thank you so much, momma!" I whisper happily next to her ear, kissing the skin below her lobe. She shivers so I do it again, biting down and leaving a hickey, earning an approving moan from her. I giggle and lick the bruised skin, blowing on the wetness.

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