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Adore POV

"oh you fucking legend! you brought it!" it was 8:49am and me, vanjie and Trixie where all in the kitchen about to make food. I was in a large oversized nirvana tee and underwear, vanjie in the same, but it was a skull tee, and Trixie was wearing a cropped sleep shirt and short shorts. vanjie had just ran in with my boomer speaker, its so loud I love it.

"yes! you are amazing vanj!" Trixie smiles and connects my phone to it, putting on toxic by Britney spears, almost full volume. we all start to dance, vanjie cooking bacon, me cooking eggs and Trixie toasting bread. I missed this. I love these girls so much. the song eventually fades out and 'baby one more time' comes on. I love Britney, I learned how to sing from her.

Bianca eventually shuffles her way in, looking very tired, and sits at the island chair. I place a plateful of food in front of her, kissing her temple. my body eventually starts to get lost in the music, the familiar strip routine I had to the song starting. the hair flips, the body rolls, the seductive looks directed at Bianca, the prancing about the large kitchen feeling my body with my hands, causing my shirt to lift a lot. Bianca's eyes rarely left my frame, only so she could eat the food I gave her. vanjie and Trixie had long gone to go give their partners their breakfast in bed, leaving me and Bianca alone.

'oops I did it again' came on and I internally squealed, starting the routine I choreographed to go along with the audio. by now, Bianca was finished with her food and had twirled around so she could focus on me properly, admiring my thin body moving and contorting to seductive positions. I moved closer to Bianca very slowly, reaching her and placing my hands on her knees, spreading her legs so I could stand in between her thighs. I slowly go down, rising even slower, eventually coming face to face at the perfect time so I could whisper the lyrics 'I'm not that innocent' a mere inch away from her face. Bianca closes her eyes briefly, opening them quickly, lust evident in her widened pupils. the song ended and I quickly peck Bianca's lips before moving far away, catching my breath.

'im a slave 4 u' comes on, a routine to go along consisting of Bianca's favourite moves of mine. I slowly move my hips to the beat, feeling my body with my hands all the way from my ass to my tits, going into my hair and scruffing the loose curls up. Bianca bites her lip. I make eye contact and mime along with the lyrics of the chorus ('I'm a slave for you'), moving closer again. I know that if I tease much more I'll get fucked, hard, but I'm in a mood and want to be cheeky. I continue miming the chorus lyrics, stopping when I'm very close to Bianca. she's at the perfect height for me to straddle her, and Bianca knows that, but I don't, knowing that if I did I'd loose control. my hands rest on Bianca's knees once again, and I kiss a trail from Bianca's exposed shoulder up to the corner of her lips.

"I love you." I whisper, our noses brushing. I jump when I feel Bianca's hands on my face, pushing out lips to meet in a hungry kiss.

"are you trying to et back at me for being a tease, kitten?" Bianca growls, moving her lips to my neck. I moan happily, forgetting about Bianca's question. "I don't like being ignored, kitten. especially not when I'm like this." Bianca growls again, making me swallow another moan.

"I just wanted to give you a show." I squeak out, making a sickly sweet smile form on Bianca's framed face.

"I love you, my baby girl. on my lap, now." I giggle and climb onto her lap, wrapping my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck. Bianca secures me with her hands on my ass, holding me up better. I easily close the space between us, Bianca not even giving a warning when she pushed her tongue in my mouth, causing a guttural moan from me. I wasn't really worried about the noises I was making, the speaker still of full volume and playing another song of Britney's. Bianca gently squeezes my ass, another moan falls from our connected lips. we continue like this for a good 5 minutes before we hear the music come to a halt in the middle of the song, meaning someone was stood there. I separate our lips and turn around to see Brooke stood in a large button up and bare legs, a high looking vanjie behind her.

"so you can get your puss but not me? ass." I climb off of Bianca and grab an apple, just now noticing how hungry I was.

"hey, its not my fault you were about to do it in the communal area." I scrunch up my face at her playfully, shoving her gently.

"clam jam." I mutter, going back over to Bianca and sitting on her lap sideways, hanging an arm over her shoulder. Brooke washes the dishes, making casual conversation with the rest of us, not that she's with it. she seemed even more out of it than vanjie had.

"what did you do to the poor girl, vanj?" I ask, noticing Brooke had stopped washing and just stood there, staring out the window.

"girl I got mad tongue skills." she chuckles in her usual harsh vocals. I giggle and look back at Brooke, who now had a beet red blush covering her cheeks.

"so, what are we doing today? please say shopping?" vanjie asks after downing 3 cups of coffee. I nod in agreement and jump off of Bianca to go get dressed. I notice Bianca following and I smirk at vanjie, making her cackle. I run into our bedroom, closely followed by Bianca, and jump onto the bed, watching Bianca slowly crawl up to me. she reaches for my face and connects our lips, pushing me to lay down.

"door locked?" I utter through the kisses. Bianca nods and trails kisses down my body, quickly lifting my body to take off my shirt.


I tie up my platforms and stand up, flattening out my skirt

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I tie up my platforms and stand up, flattening out my skirt. I turn back to Bianca and smile, crawling over to her.

"ill see you later, momma. I'm wearing the nice underwear you bought me a last week. I love youuu" I wink and kiss her goodbye, pulling on my cap and running into the kitchen to meet the others.

"ready?" I ask, noticing Trixie and Vanjie are already dressed.

"you took your fucking time, girl! yeah we're ready. got your money? I ain't paying for everything like last time." I giggle and check my shoulder bag.

"uh, no. ill be right back, but meet me at the door." I smile and run back up the stairs and back into the room.

"forgot my money." I giggle and rifle through my suitcase to find my small purse.

"no, kitten. take my card. in fact just take the whole purse. have fun with your friends babygirl." I smile and take the sleek black purse from Bianca's hand and kiss her goodbye.

"I love youuu!" I drag out and run back down the stairs, almost falling because of my platforms.

"got money! lunch is on me!" I exclaim happily while we walk up the pathway.

"Bianca give you money, huh?" Trixie chuckles and I nod smiling.

today is going to be fucking fun.


word count - 1303


HIIII im back back back again. I honestly love the outfit above, I want to be able to wear it lmao. hope you enjoyed the chapter. college sucks donkey dick. my best friend is in the hospital, love that. ive given up on having any type of updating schedule so that's great. the chapter will either be every day or I might skip a day lmao. so yeah. byeeee.


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