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Adore POV 


i wake up like normal, go through my normal morning routine; brush my hair and teeth, maybe have a shower, then go to get dressed and have breakfast. i decided to go see  bianca at work today, seeing as i have an early show tonight and we'll only be together for about 2 hours otherwise. 

so i finished pulling on my clothes, a yellow tartan skirt and matching jacket paired with a black bandeaux and tie up booties, and ate the breakfast had made me, sausage and eggs, then made my way down to the ground floor, after grabbing my louis vuitton mini-bag. 

"hey, you!" that same child behind the desk calls, standing up. i groan and turn to her, crossing my arms.

"yes, child?"

"1. im not a child, and 2. did you and that older woman have some kind of argument or something, i havent seen you in 3 days."

"we went  out of town. and she isnt old. why do you want to know anyway?"

"where'd you go?" 

"i dont have time for this, i have somewhere to be." i sigh, making my way to chad, where he is already stood by the door of bianca's lambo with a wide smile planted on his face. 

"good morning miss adore, how are you?" he asks, opening the door for me. 

"im great, thank you. and you?"

"im going good, yeah." he replies, walking around the car and into the drivers seat, soon pulling onto the road. "where to then?"


"are you sure? i know her schedule is busy."

"she'll always have time to see me, chad." i giggle, turning my head to give him a lopsided smirk, to which he just chuckles with a nod.


"what are you doing here, adore?" brooke asks, stopping with a handful of files. 

"came to see bainca, hopefully to pursuade her to take a lunch break."

"shes a bit busy firing a few interns right now, they sent out the completely wrong forms and now the company has lost 100 grand."

"oh my god, i'd hate to be them right now. is everything going to be okay?"

"babe, this is a 100-million dollar company, 100 grand aint shit." brooke cackles. 

"well ok then, maybe i can calm her down, stress isnt good for her." 

"it isnt good for anyone, but dont go having sex in her office, it aint sound proof. i'll see you later, love" she smiles, walking in th eopposite direction to me. i sigh and continue my venture to biancas office, soon realising she isnt firing the interns there. 

"shit." i mumble, turning back around and being met with alyssa. "oh hey, lyss. whats up?" 

"bianca is in one of the worst moods i have ever witnesssed, and ive know that girl for almost 7 years." she groans, sorting out some files on her desk. 

"where is she?" 

"last time i saw her she was about to bitch slap a poor 18 year old for doing nothing. shes firing all the interns, sick of their mistakes. come on, ill help you find her." she sighs, leading me down a long hallway and into the main office area, where you could hear the shouts from the opposite side of the large room. "there she is, i would say dont go over there, but you're probably one of the fe people she wont shout at right now." alyssa smiles, nudging me forward and diasappearing back into the hallway seconds later. 

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