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Adore POV 

I sighed and looked into the full body mirror, straightening my dress. it wasn't a long one, like Bianca had suggested, but I liked it. and it wasn't slutty, it was a blue floral printed dress, ending mid thigh, and a gap on the midriff with thin ties going across it. it was a cold shoulder, and the sleeves went the whole way down my arms, flaring at the end. it might have a deep plunge but I taped it forward enough that my tits were nowhere near popping out. I let one of my denim jackets drape over my shoulders, but I didn't put my arms in, too much fabric to contain. I walked out of the wardrobe-room and downstairs to meet Bianca. she was in a slick black satin dress, going all the way down to her mid calf, paired with simple black louis Vuitton's, a Chanel clutch that draped over her shoulder, and a black leather jacket. 

"you ready, angel?" she asks, wrapping her arms loosely around my waist. I smile and link my fingers behind Bianca's neck, leaning in for a short kiss, so I don't ruin my perfectly painted baby pink lips. 

"yeah." I sigh and smile wider, trying to push down the feeling in my gut. she leads me onto the elevator, out the lobby, and into the limo. the journey was short, but it felt like hours, Bianca was doing something on her phone, and all I could think about was meeting her dad. what if he didn't like me? what if he finds out about our thing, what if what if what if. 

"hey, I can feel you shaking. what's wrong, princess?" Bianca asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. we were outside a very fancy looking place, fancier than ive ever been to. 

"uh, just anxious about meeting your father, I guess. i'll be fine."  I smile, kissing her cheek once we're out of the car. chad smiles at me before climbing beck into the limo and driving off. I feel Bianca's hand on my lower back leading me through the doors and straight past the waitress who was supposed to show us to our table. 

"aren't we supposed to like check in or something?" 

"no need, I know where he is. he payed this restaurant a while ago to always keep his table available, its really quite a waste of money, but he has it to waste so." she chuckles, leading me to a table in the far back, nicely lit for a romantic evening but not too dark so we cant see everything clearly. there was already a man sat there, on his phone with a scowl planted on his face. what a great start to dinner. 

"hello, father." Bianca smiles towards the man, who I still didn't know the name of, clicking her finger in front of his face. he shots his head up and his scowl instantly vanished into a bright smile. 

"pumpkin!" he cheers, standing to pull her into a tight squeeze. he pulls away quickly and plants a small kiss on each of her cheeks before turning to me. "who do we have here, pumpkin?" he has a slight Spanish accent, it sounded nice. 

"father, this is adore. adore, this is Martín." he smiles and pulls me into a hug, which was not what I was expecting at all. 

"uh, hello, sir. nice to meet you." I stammer out, feeling a blush on my cheeks. 

"oh please, I hate being called sir. call me Martín, I prefer it much more." the accent grew when he said his name, much like Bianca's did, and I was not mad at it. 

"uh, okay then." 

"please, sit! sit!" he ushers a waiter over, pulling out chairs for me and Bianca to sit at. 

"the usual for me and my daughter, what would you like, adore?" I swallowed hard and looked down at the menu briefly before stuttering out the first thing I saw that seemed appetising. 

"very well, what would you like to drink, Martín?" 

"your finest bottle of red!" he exclaimed with the brightest smile i'd seen in a while. why was I stressing so much about this?

"of course, the food will be about 20 minutes. your order is at top priority, as always." Martín winks cheekily at the man before he walks off, taking the singular menu from me. 

"so! adore, tell me about yourself! I want to know everything!" his smile never fades, and his enthusiasm doesn't either. 

"well, uh. I have 2 brothers, 2 sisters, a deadbeat dad and the best mother ever. my family have always been the only ones there for me, until I moved here, and I got to meet all the friends I have now, and I have Bianca now too. my childhood was quite shit, the only people that made it bearable were my brothers and mom, friends were fake. and, uh, im a- a stripper." I almost whisper my job, scared he'll look down at me for it, but he didn't seem fazed by it. 

"is my Bianca good to you?" 

"she's the best. never hurt me, never fails to put a smile on my face and is the most amazing person I've ever met. I love her so much, Martín." his smile only grew wider at that, as did mine, and I could see his eyes welling up. 

"I'm glad to hear that. did you enjoy your time in Paris?" 

"it was amazing. best holiday I've ever had." I smile and grab Bianca's hand under the table, squeezing it gently. 

"you've done well, pumpkin. I love her!" he starts out gentle and sincere, then goes back to his enthusiastic bubbly self. 

"I love her too, dad. so much."

"I've never seen you so happy, Chiquita. it makes my heart swell." Martín wipes a tear from his cheek and grabs Bianca's hand over the table, smiling warmly at her. 


"I fucking love your dad!" I almost squeal, walking out of the elevator, throwing my clutch onto the couch. 

"I'm glad, babygirl." 

"you know, your accent bubbles up when you're around him."

"does it? I don't hear it." she chuckles through her nose, pulling me close on the couch, once our shoes were kicked off. 

"it sounds so sexy." I hum, settling my head on her chest. 

"oh yeah? do you know Spanish?" 

"I can't remember half of it, why?" 

"te quiero mucho angel, eres mi mundo." she whispers sweetly, stroking the hair out of my face. 

"yo Tambien te amo mami." I whisper back, nuzzling my face closer to her, inhaling her scent. 

"see, you do know some." 

"maybe you could teach me some more." I whisper again, getting drowsier and drowsier every second. 

"maybe, but you need to get up to bed."

"carry me" I whine, not budging when Bianca makes an attempt to get up. she sighs but obliges, and even though adores eyes are closed, she knows Bianca is smiling. she carries her all the way up the stairs, briefly stopping at the wardrobe-room to grab pjs for us both, and into our bedroom. 

"am I getting you changed or will you wake up enough to?" she asks, setting me on the bed so she can change. I shrug and push my thumb into my mouth, keeping my eyes closed. a few minutes later I feel Bianca pull my thumb out of my mouth, making me whine, but she gently shoves a paci in before I whine even more. Bianca changes me out of the dress and into my normal pjs, taking my hair out of the ponytail it was in, and wiping off my makeup. she had to take my paci from me for a minute so she could wipe off my lipstick, still didn't stop me from whining, but she finished soon enough and I was free to fall asleep. 

when did I this lucky? 


word count - 1318


HIIIII I'm back back back again. you like? I like. Bianca meets adores family soon. adore might slip up and say the wrong thing. she might not. who knows? 

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