slenderman: now here children, please introd- hoodie: WOAH THERE FUCK BOI WHO ARE YOU??? slenderman: Hoo- Masky: FUCK BOI???? HUh? *takes out knife*
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slenderman: CHILDR-
meanwhile Ticci Toby: *hides behind tree* w-what the fuck is going on.what the f-fuck is going on. who the f-fuck are those psychopaths?!
slenderman: LISTEN HERE YOU DEMONS OF SATANS ASSHOLE LOOK AT THIS SMALL CHILD YOU ARE SCARING HIM PLZ Masky & Hoodie: *cooes* awe come here u lil baby waffle thing Ticci Toby: *screams*
slenderman: never will i ever regret such a choice in my whole life as much as this all 3 proxies: THe fUCk iS thAt SupPOsEd TO mEaN?!?!??