Chapter 16

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We reach his place in 15 minutes silent anger radiating from him the whole ride there.

He unlocks the door and I step inside before him.

"Now, you're going to explain to me why I just witnessed my girlfriend practically fucking dry humping a stranger."

He says in a menacingly calm voice as soon as we cross the threshold of his apartment.

"I wasn't." I reply defiantly kicking off my heels and crossing my arms.

"Gatita." he says in warning, the roughness in his voice causing heat to run thru me.

I was so horny around him.

I turn walking past him and go to sit down on the couch but before my butt settles on the seat he grabs my arm and turns me to face him.

He bring his lips down to mine as he sits down on the arm of the adjacent sofa. He slides an arm around me still kissing me with a intoxicating passion.

The kiss is possessive, as if he is marking me as his, his tongue dominates mine and I give in.

So into the kiss I don't notice as he snakes his arm from my waist to grab the wrist that's free.

He pulls back, biting my bottom lip before breaking the kiss and brings my arms together in front of me.

"I hear spanking is a wonderful punishment for disobedient pets gatita." He whispers in roughly against my ear.

I nearly moan as I clench to ease the ache between my legs.

"Santi." I say my voice weak, as I struggle to pull my hands free.

He holds both wrists in one hand and pulls me down onto is lap my stomach laying flat on his strong thighs, my ass in the air.

"¿Sí, mamí?" He replies, his free hand moving slowly down my back to my ass.

"Hmm. I've been dying to smack this ass, gatita. I love your ass. So fucking soft." I feel him pressing against my stomach as he squeezes my right cheek roughly.

"I'm not in the mood for games Santi!" I struggle again when I feel his fingers skim the hem of my dress, holding me to him by my legs. I was annoyed at him but I also didn't want him to stop.

"Neither am I, princesa. So you can either tell me why you were practically climbing onto someone else's fucking dick or start counting."

He releases my hands and before I can protest more I feel my dress being shoved up my butt until its bunched up around my waist.

"I think we'll keep the thong, sí?" Santi says smiling and pulling at the material roughly. I moan the wet cotton rubbing against my sensitive cunt.

"I have a feeling you're enjoying this." He says releasing the material.

Without warning I feel his palm come down on my left cheek leaving a burning sting that sends shots of pleasure between my legs.

"Fuck!" I yell in surprise.

"Language, Kitten!" Santi scolds spanking me on my other cheek, before soothing the sting away.

"Are you ready to talk?" He asks a few minutes later, while rubbing my now inflamed ass.

I bite my lip, remembering the reason I was in this position in the first place and stay silent.

His hand comes down on my left check this time it lands lower on my ass. His fingertips graze the lips of my already wet pussy.

I moan squeezing my legs together.

"Spread your legs, kitten." He demands.

I spread my legs exposing myself and his next hit lands on my pussy. I moan as he rubs the spot.

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