Chapter 8

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"Nick?!?" I whisper surprised.

"Like football team Nick? Thinks he's the greatest thing since wifi Nick? " I continue.

"Both Nicks are like that and no he's on the soccer team, he plays track too. White, brownish-blonde hair."

"Runs track." I correct, "You run track not play it."

"Run, play, walk. Same difference. You know what I meant. Focus. " She laughs.

" Right. White Nick? Cute but knows it? With the sexy smile."

"Yeah that Nick. Nick Blaine"

"Really? I would think Ayo would go for a black guy. Blaine doesn't seem like her type of guy." I say.

"Santi is not your type." Julie states.

"Santi is everyone's type." I laugh. "I meant she so Afrocentric, I thought she would go with somebody who's like Nigerian or Ghanian."

"Kat. I know what you mean, but you also used to be only want to date black guys."

"Yeah, I know but first, most black guys are to busy chasing girls with a lighter complexion that are... you know "prettier", none of them were interested in me.

And I'm not saying that's the reason I'm with Santi but it's definitely the reason I'm not with any of them. Apart of me has always seen myself with someone black, mostly because I feel as a culture dark-skin is so... not unwanted but not uplifted. I don't want to support this whole mixed race culture. Not saying there's anything wrong with people who are, I'm saying there's something wrong with people who want to date outside of their race for proximity to whiteness, which is basically what colorism is.

Also since our middle school was predominantly white I wanted to be with someone Ugandan or Kenyan because it made sense. It didn't occur to me to date outside my ethnicity, let alone my race.

I'm not saying I wasn't attracted to other guys but black guys always seemed more attractive. I like where I'm at right now, as long as I'm happy with him, and he continues to set me on fire, and we are happy together it doesn't matter to me. My baby daddy is fioonne. " I laugh.

"What about Johnny?"

"Johnny? Johnny is Johnny. I won't lie I was attracted to him when I first met him and I may have had a slight crush. But I've always just seen him as a friend. Just a good friend. And I like it that way." I shrug smiling.

"Hmm, okay. I get it, and I mean Blaine is cute, he's got the badboy but secretly a sweetheart thing going for him." Julie says.

"I just wanna know when? How? They don't even run in the same circles." I think out loud.

I pull out my phone and text her.

Me: What class are you in right now?

Ayo: Marine bio. Help me! I'm dying of boredom.

Me: Come to study hall, 202c. I know you're little secret 😜
xoxo Gossip Girl😘

I wait for a reply but get none.

Less than two minutes later I look up to see Ayo sneak into the classroom.

"What secret?" She asks nervously.

"I'm dead. I should tell you I know your secret more often." I laugh so hard I have to clutch my back from the pain.

"Kat..." She says annoyed.

"Sorry lmao. So have you been snogging with anyone lately." I say raising a eyebrow and trying to contain my smile.

"Snogging!? Kat, be serious! what are you talking about."

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