2. Life is Unpredictable

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Young Orion had stayed with the Weasleys.

He was only 4 months younger than Ginny, so they were really bonded together, like twins.

Severus would occasionally see him, during his visits at the Burrow, since he was a distant nephew of Molly. It broke his heart the first time he heard his son calling Arthur willingly "Daddy".

Despite his son's knowledge that he was not a Weasley, he had chosen to call Molly "mom" and Arthur "Dad" and considered all other Weasleys as brothers and Ginny as his twin sister.

He called Severus "uncle" but he didn't like him much, since Severus was always strict and distant.

It was better this way, he should never know who his real parents were, while the war was on-going.

Orion was 8, when Molly invited Severus, Albus and Minerva for Christmas.

It was a cold, snowy day.

Orion was wearing the famous customary Christmas Sweater with a big "O" on the front.

He was the one who opened the door for Severus to come in.

Severus greeted him with a rare warm smile and gave him a parcel with a big green silk ribbon.

Orion thanked him but did not hug him, as Severus wished while kneeling in front of the boy.

- Why don't you open it now? It is a surprise, Severus told him.

Orion was reluctant, but decided to open his present in front of Severus.

He eyes shone with joy when he saw an amazing Potions Playset, with real ingredients and real instructions to make potions.

- OH Uncle Severus!! Thank you thank you so much! I love it! he said with excitement and put his present carefully on the floor, in order to jump on Severus' arms.

Severus was so happy, that tried very hard to keep his tears from falling on his cheeks. It was the best Christmas ever for him.

The next time he would see his son would be many years later, during the Sorting Ceremony.

He was hoping that Orion would be sorted into Slytherin, but in fact he was chosen in Gryffindor since Orion asked from the Hat to not separate him from his sister.

Severus almost choked when he heard the Sorting Hat's announce Orion as a Proud New Little Gryffindor.

He had him in Potions, of course. Orion was talented, but he could never admit it.

He had also become friends with Harry Potter, which caused Severus a migraine every time he thought about it.

He tried to ignore the boy as much possible.

Orion was polite towards Severus and he never ever called him uncle again, not even when they were outside school, in the Burrow.

Soon, Orion started to grow really tall, his voice changed, he became more confident and was also more persistent in discovering the truth of his real heritage.

He became easily angry at Arthur and Molly, feeling insecure and betrayed when they denied him the truth.

It was Orion's sixth year when he actually turned to an angry teenager.

Albus was dead. Severus was now Headmaster. Voldemort had gained back his power and he was controlling everything.

He had even heard of the adopted Weasley son, who was angry and very talented. He wanted to recruit him so badly.

The Dark Lord asked Severus to become close with the boy and try to recruit him.

Severus was indeed terrified. Orion didn't even recognize him any more as an uncle. He was constantly angry, with a desperate sadness in his eyes, visible only to those with whom he was really close.

He was only 16 but knew so many dark curses, jinxies and spells.

When he entered Severus's office, he thought that he would be indeed expelled for his bad attitude. Instead of getting expelled, Severus asked him questions and revealed him that the Dark Lord would like to meet him.

All Orion cared was to know his real father and mother.

He was willing to do anything to know who abandoned him when he was just a baby.

Severus felt extremely guilty. He had actually managed to destroy his young son's soul and he didn't even father him to have an excuse that he was an exact copy of his own violent father.

Orion agreed to meet with the Dark Lord and it was terrifying.

Voldemort was delighted to meet the boy on his own good will, without any need of using Imperio on him.

He was indeed talented and he was very desperate to know who left him.

It was time for Severus to come up with a clever idea and claim his own son.

- Dumbledore would gladly sacrifice my son, my Lord, for Harry Potter. Therefore I kept him hidden. I left him on the porch of the Weasleys. No one knows the truth.

With him occlumency skills, he managed to persuade the Dark Lord that it was the truth.

Orion was now personally angry at Snape.

He left school and went to help Harry Potter. Severus was worried sick for his son. The Dark Lord was furious and had ordered his Deatheaters to kill him as well as the rest of Harry Potter's friends.

When Severus was bitten by Nagini, he was relieved to see Harry Potter and his friends. He asked him where his son was. He was hiding behind Ron and Hermione.

Harry collected the tears, but just before Severus's eyes started to fade, Orion rushed beside him and put a bezoar in his mouth.

Harry looked at him and he knew that his friend needed to be with his father.

Hermione helped Orion and they healed Nagini's bite.

When the Dark Lord was defeated, Harry managed to restore Severus' reputation.

The fierce Potion Master did not wish to go back to Hogwarts, though, neither as a Professor nor as a Headmaster. He wanted more than anything to reunite with his son.

Severus Snape's Son - A father's SacrificeWhere stories live. Discover now