8. Plans and negotiations

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Albus had already sent a letter to Severus, asking him to join the Stuff again, as a Potions Teacher of course.

- What do you think, son?

- Well, I wasn't exactly your favourite student... Orion applied with a smirk.

- You are an excellent student, you know that. But your are a Gryffindor. Severus replied in his most natural tone.

- Do you wish to go back to Teaching, Dad ?

- Ob...viously.

- Are you sure ?

- I would like to get the chance to see you every day, if that is what you mean.

- Accept the offering then.

- I will, then. Severus replied and also wrote down his letter as a reply to Albus. The letter magically flew away from the fireplace.

- It is my last year, thought.

- I know. Severus was sceptical and then continued:\

- What do you have in mind for the future ?

- I plan on getting a job and study either Potions or Spells.

- Potions and Spells require your full attention, so you either have to get a job in these areas, or not at all. We don't have a money problem, as you know.

- I know, but I want to be able to support myself, Orion replied. He said it for good, but Severus felt profoundly insulted.

- You have your father to support you, he said with a hurt tone in his voice.

- I know! Orion replied defensively. But you weren't around the last 16 years, so

Before managing to say any further, Severus put his cup down, stood up and started shouting.

- I was around! I WAS! You just didn't know! No matter what I do or what I say, you always think that I have abandoned you, which isn't true! I have allowed you to do as you please, I have given you freedoms that the Weasleys refused. I have tried to suppress my anger and sorrow whenever you threw in my face that I am the worst possible father ever. I wasn't allowed to help financially, which is something intended. I wanted to. And not only you, the Weasleys too! I wasn't allowed !!! You know what ? I have had enough of this kind of disrespect! ENOUGH! Go to your Room, NOW! Severus barked.

Orion looked at him with his eyes widened. Professor Snape had come home, instead of his Dad.

He didn't move though.

Severus picked his son up from his arm.

Orion's eyes started to water.

He was looking at his Dad, like he was expecting him to slap him.

- Go to your ROOM! Severus shouted right on his son's face.

Orion closed his eyes, as if expecting to be hit.

Severus shook him hard by his arm, but Orion was still frozen.

Severus didn't detect the fear that had paralysed his son and shouted once more "GO TO YOUR ROOM NOW!"

His son kept his eyes closed.

- LOOK AT ME! his father commanded, still unaware of his son's fear.

Orion obliged and opened his eyes. His hazel gaze met his father's onyx one

Only then Severus saw the fear and started to realise that he perhaps overacted.

Severus Snape's Son - A father's SacrificeWhere stories live. Discover now