3. Let me be your Father

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- I don't need a father anymore, Professor. I will soon be of age. I don't want to stay with you. I will stay at the Burrow. It is the only home I ever met. I don't want you to tell me stories about my Mother. Molly is the only Mother I met. I don't want to have your last name. I want to keep my fake one. I don't want to discuss anything with you. I don't want you in my life. I hate you. You abandoned me. Arthur is my Father and will be for as long as I live. I don't want to see you. I don't want to know you. Let me be. Leave me alone.

- Why bother and spend an expensive bezoar on me then?

- I would do the same for anyone. I tested my skills and logical thinking. I don't care if you live or die.

- You will come and live with me until you reach 17. Then you are free to go.

- No.

- Arthur has agreed.

- NO! I hate you ! You are ruining my life!

Severus knew that he had a long way ahead to fix his relationship with his son. And the risk of failure was very big.

Orion knew that he truly had no choice until he was 17, but insisted on fighting back.

Severus had bought a bigger house, in Northern England. His son would have his own room with a private bathroom.

The day of moving in together had actually come.

Orion liked his room and his privacy, but said nothing. He only nodded in acceptance and started unpacking.

Severus had proposed to stay in for dinner and the next day, they could go out.

He was too tired and wanted to relax a bit.

Their house elf was had prepared for them Wellington Beef.

Severus would bet that his son wouldn't come down to dine with him, but he was happily proved wrong.

Orion appeared right on time for dinner.

He stayed silent and skipped dessert.

He excused himself and went to bed. Severus relaxed on the sofa, sipping a glass of red wine.

He was so exhausted that he never realised when he drifted to a peaceful sleep.

Orion found Severus sleeping on the sofa the very next morning.

Tippy, the house elf had already prepared a delicious breakfast.

- Professor, breakfast is ready. Orion shook his father's arm gently.

He opened his eyes and smiled at his son, but received no smile back as a response.

Tippy offered him coffee, which he sipped and then stood up and went towards the bathroom.

Orion went to the kitchen and sat, but did not start eating his breakfast.

Severus was surprised to find him sitting but not eating.

- Don't you like it? he asked.

- It isn't polite to start eating without waiting for your company, am I wrong? Orion replied arching his brow, much like his father.

Severus just nodded and started to eat.

- Would you like to go shopping today? he asked his son.

- I don't need anything in particular, Professor.

- You are much taller than last year.

- So? I can fix my clothes magically.

- I know that the Weasleys struggle to make ends meet, and I was not allowed to help in any way whatsoever, since Arthur is very very pride. But we don't have a money problem. You can have brand new clothes, shoes, accessories, whatever you would like.

- I am fine with have I already have, Sir.

- But I am not. I could definitely use a new wardrobe. So would you like to come with me?

- I would prefer to stay in, actually.

Severus looked at him. His son tried to avoid contact as much as possible, as it seemed.

- If that is what you prefer, fine. But tonight we will go out to dine, he told his son, emptied his coffee and left the table.

Orion got angry and followed him.

- You won't boss me around, I am not a baby!

- I know you are not a baby. I have asked you to dine with me, out tonight. What do you find so wrong ? Severus tried to remain calm.

- I don't wish to dine with you. I wish to be left alone.

Severus looked straight at his son's raged eyes.

He knew that this rage was in fact a conveyed sadness.

He approached his son, much too close for Orion's taste.

- I am only asking you to allow me a small chance to be your father, he whispered.

- You don't deserve it, Orion stated.

- Everyone deserves a second chance, you know, he continued whispering.

Orion's eyes watered and he tried to avoid eye contact with his father.

- Come on, let's go shopping. Allow me to spoil you a little bit, he said with a half smile.

- I don't wish you to spoil me. I wish to be left alone.

Severus lifted his son's chin with his hand, causing Orion to burst.

- Don't you dare touch me! Don't touch me ever again! I hate you! he said pushing hard on his father's chest.

Severus grabbed both his hands by the wrists, while Orion started to kick him in order to free himself.

Severus petrified him, though, much to Orion's surprise.

He lifted the spell, whispering to his son:

- Hate me as much as you want, but never push me again.

Orion squirmed in his arms.

- Don't fight me. I am not going to hurt you. I just want to know you. Bad language, physical violence all these are not tolerated in this house. I am treating you with respect and I expect you to respect me back. Not as a father, as a person. Is that understood ?

Orion had already relaxed in his father's arms and looked up at him.

- Yes Sir, he said nodding.

He hated to admit it, but the truth is that he felt really good while his father was holding him.

- Now, will you come with me shopping or not ? Severus asked him with a smile.

- I think I need a pair of new shoes and underwear... he said blushing.

- Yeah, me too. Let's go Son, he said and grabbed him to get apparated.

Severus Snape's Son - A father's SacrificeWhere stories live. Discover now