4. My son

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Orion felt warmth hearing Severus calling him "Son" but he never admitted.

His father took him in Bond Street London for shopping, where Orion have never been before. His mouth fell when he saw the luxury that his real father could indeed afford. He also felt bad for his poor stated clothes and shoes.

Thank Merlin, his father's famous terrifying look was enough to keep all possible sneering over his poor appearance.

Severus bought him almost everything, 5 pairs of shoes, many shirts, trousers, sweaters, 2 coats, 1 leather jacket, underwear, of course, and an amazing watch.

He insisted that the old clothes and shoes should be burnt and that his son wore his brand new clothes immediately, which Orion accepted without showing his true joy.

Severus also updated his wardrobe and later he suggested to go for lunch.

With his new clothes, Orion was just stunning.

He was as tall as his father, slimmer since he was still a teenager but with broad shoulders.

His hair was exactly like his father's, but he used to put special ointments to prevent it from looking greasy, so it just looked shiny and soft.

He had a square jaw, high defined cheekbones and hazel almond shaped eyes with long and thick eyelashes. His eyebrows complimented his eyes, since they were quite full but in perfect shape.

He had long fingers, just like his father's with nicely trimmed fingernails.

Wearing his brand new black pants, black boots and black t-shirt made him look very impressive. Many girls and women turned their heads to look at him, something that caused him to feel even more confident and his father very proud of course.

He also had very good table manners.

Severus thought that the Weasleys did a great job on his son, even better than what they accomplished on their own kids.

He was a gentleman.

- Professor, would you mind if I ordered alcohol free beer?

Severus didn't mind even if his son wanted real beer so he just shook his head.

- Go ahead and order whatever you feel like.

Orion answered with a short curt of his head.

When their drinks arrived, Severus lifted his glass for a toast.

- To new beginnings.

His son couldn't hold himself and be rude. He copied his father immediately and smiled while repeating his words.

They both sipped from their drinks.

Severus was the first to speak.

- I would like to ask you one small favour.

Orion looked at him, examining what his father would ask. His negative thoughts were obvious on his face, but Severus chose to ignore it.

- I hear you calling me either Professor, or Sir.

Orion felt awkward.

- I I don't feel I don't I can't he stuttered.

- No, I am not asking you to call me father, of course not. I know that you don't feel like it. Don't worry. It's fine. It's really fine.

His son looked at him with guilty eyes.

- I hear you when you talk to Arthur, I hear you calling him father and dad... well you call him "dad" most of the times. I don't want to change that. You can call him as you wish, but please call me Severus, will you?

Severus Snape's Son - A father's SacrificeWhere stories live. Discover now