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Jimins POV
Soon we arrive and my jaw drops....

Jimins POV Soon we arrive and my jaw drops

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"You live here!"
"I-I guess so"

I get my luggage and thank the driver and give him a $100 extra tip.

I go to knock on the door and Jin swings open the door and greets me.

"Hey! Welcome! So glad you're here!"
I smile and hug him.

"So now I guess I can start this tou-"
He gets cut off by screaming then Jungkook running to the door.

"Jin Hyung! Yoongi is trying to choke out Hoseok!"

"Excuse me one second"

He soon runs off, and I chuckle softly not wanting to laugh loudly yet. Then I heard him break them apart.
While doing that Jungkook greets me.

Then Jin comes back.

"Sorry for that"
"It's okay"

"So as I was saying. Let's begin the to-."

He gets cut off by a sound of glass breaking.

"I'm sorry excuse me again"

He goes to see what happened and apparently Namjoon dropped a glass cup because Taehyung ran into because Jungkook was trying to tickle him.

Jin had enough and yelled at everyone to go to their rooms until the tour is over.

Jin comes back.

"I am so so sorry about this"

"It's okay I understand. I had to teach three years two days a week for an hour at the studio."

"Well it probably won't be didn't here."
I laugh a little and he does too.

"So now let's begin this tour."

I nod and follow him.

"This is the living room

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"This is the living room. We do a lot of gatherings and meetings here, also to sometimes hang out"

 We do a lot of gatherings and meetings here, also to sometimes hang out"

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