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~time skip~

Jimins POV
My stomach and everything has gotten better and no fans have come up to us and said anything hurtful. If anything they come up to us and tell us that they support us and tell us congrats and that makes us really happy.

I see Yoongi in the basketball court and I sit and watch him. He sees me and smiles and then he kisses me along with a hug.

"How are you"
He scans my body and smiles more.
"Good. Did you work out extra this week ?"
"I can tell"

I smile.

"I love you"
"I love you too"

"I love you""I love you too"

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ChimChim13: 🔥

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This was really just a filler chapter

Also thank you so much for 800 reads!
I love you all❤️

June 11, 2019

New Opening/Yoonmin ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now