The new boy

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Jimin's P.O.V
I had to move school because of the bullying in my last one. I went to a different school to Jin but our parents decided it might be a good idea if Jin is around with his friends no one will bully me. It won't happen though. I'll still get bullied. I wake up at 6 and decide to shower and get dressed before anybody else gets up. My family love me and tell me I'm handsome but I know they're lying just to make me feel better. Once showered and dressed I head downstairs to the kitchen and make myself some breakfast and sit on the sofa and watch some tv before my brother wakes up. I sit for a while until I hear Jin come down the stairs. "Morning Jiminie." He says cheerily. Ugh why is everyone so cheerful, it makes me feel worse. "Hi Jin hyung."
"Why are you up so early?" I sigh.
"I can't sleep most of the time." His smile fades.
"Why don't you come in to my room if you can't sleep. I can keep you company." His smile returns. I nod. "Sure. I'll do that next time." I fake smile. Our mum comes downstairs and compliments us. "Oh look at my two handsome boys." Jin bows and thanks her as do I. Lies. I shake off the thoughts swimming in my head and grab my bag. I have no friends at school. Everyone thinks I'm ugly. You are! Why are my family complimenting me? I'm ugly. I head out the door at 8:15 and Jin follows close behind. "I've noticed you don't really hang around with anyone. Do you want to hang with me and my mates today? We can maybe introduce you to some nice people. I think one of Jin's friends has a sister in my year. She's really pretty but I think she's with a guy called Jungkook. At least that's what I think Jin said his name was. I thinks Jin's friend (the one with the sister is) I think his name is Yoongi. I don't know his sisters name. I guess I could ask him or Jin. "Hey Jin? What's Yoongi's sister's name?" He looks at me and nods over to Yoongi. "Ask Yoongi hyung. She's his sister." I sigh. "I'm too shy to speak to him hyung. He scares me." I say with a hint of nerves in my voice. I suddenly hear Yoongi's voice. He's really talented. He can rap and dance really well as well as being an amazing basketball player for our school team. I'm jealous. I wish I could be as cool as him. And popular. Him and Jin are really popular. "I'm not that scary am I Jimin? If I come across like that I'm sorry." He says smiling at me. He's actually really kind even if it doesn't look like it. "I-I have a-a question f-for y-you." God damn it why am I so nervous. He nods. "Go ahead." He says still smiling as we walk to school. "What's your sister's name?" I blurt our really quirky. He laughs.
"Her name is Jade and I'm pretty sure she's in your year. I'll tell her to be nice not that she won't be anyway. *inaudible to Jimin* She'll  be trying to keep (Y/N) off him" He says to Jin and he laughs. "That's true. That girl will struggle to keep her hands to herself with him. There talking about you and how disgusting and disgraceful you are! The voices are getting worse. I feel a tear slip down my cheek and Yoongi wipes it away. "Aw don't cry Jimin please. I know it's your first day but Jin and I are here and as long as we are here no one will touch you. There's a guy in your year called Namjoon. I'll introduce you. He's really nice and he'll look out for you don't worry." I nod unable to stop them anyway. We arrive and i head to my first class. Biology. Everyone made fun of me because I was good at it. I just hope the same thing doesn't happen again. I walk in and see that there's only one empty seat next to a beautiful girl. She'd never notice me. I walk towards it and set my bag on the floor and sit down. She turns to look at me but I put my head down. I'm super shy and ever since I got bullied at my old school I feel ugly. All the bruising and scars I have on my torso. One guy slashed at me with a knife. She still manages to see my face. She's smiling I think. She passes me a note under the desk and I open it. It's a phone number. And a name. It's (Y/N's) number. Wait who am I sitting next to? I look up and she's smiling at me. She winks and goes back to her work. Oh. That's (Y/N). Wow she's hot and she gave me her number! Stop messing around she doesn't love you. It was some stupid prank like back in your old school. I block out the voices with the teachers. She comes over and hands me a jotter and all the diagrams I need. "(Y/N) could Jimin borrow your notes please?" The teacher asks. She nods and hands me her jotter to copy the notes. "Your name is Jimin?" I nod shyly and embarrassed. "I like it. It suits you. A lovely name for a lovely guy. I couldn't help the smile that formed on my face. "I thought I recognised you when I saw you. Your Jin's brother aren't you?"
"Yeah, he's good friends with Yoongi." She smiles.
"I have a nickname for him that I always use but he quite likes it. I call him Suga." She giggles and it's adorable. "So do you want to come round after school? You can finish the notes there." My eyes go wide. She just invited me to her house. "I'll need to ask Jin hyung." I say trying to hide that face that I want to scream yes. Once Biology is done I take my phone out and text Jin.
J:Jin JM:Jimin
JM: Hey could I go over to (Y/N's) after school to finish my biology notes?
J: Sure I'm going over to Yoongi's after school anyway so I will see you later. Have fun at
JM:Ok see you later. Oh I think (Y/N) May be planing to go over to Yooni and Jade's to hang with her. If so I'll meet you there.
J: Ok enjoy the rest of your day 😊.
I put my phone away and head to English with (Y/N) and we are in the same class again. Wow this is just freaky. I sit next to the guy Yoongi was talking about earlier. What's his name? Nam something. Namjoon! That was it. I sit down next to him and he smiles. "Hi I'm Namjoon. You must be the new kid Jin and Yoongi were talking about. Jimin right? Your Jin's brother." I nod. He seems really nice.
"Yeah that's me. Sorry to ask but who's (Y/N) sitting with?" I ask feeling stupid but I just want to know who people are. "Ah that's Jade. (Y/N's) best friend and she goes out with Jungkook. He's just behind us. Jungkook?" I see this guy appear next to me he's tall with brown eyes black hair. I don't blame jade for going out with him he's attractive for being the same sex as me. I smile at him and he returns it with his own. "I'm Jungkook." I smile he seems sweet. "I'm Jimin but most people know me as Jin's brother." His eyes light up.
"Your brother is friends with the most popular guy in the school?" I nod.
"Um I guess so." I can't stop glancing over Jungkook's shoulder at (Y/N) she looks over and smiles at me.

*Time skip*
I finish school and head for the gate when I'm stopped by a guy named Taehyung. "Jimin! You left your folder!" I met him in art. He seems nice. I stop and turn around walking back toward him to grab my folder. "Tae thank you so much. I didn't even realise I had left it." He blushes slightly but I take no notice. "I must say Jimin your art skills are really good. I hope you don't mind I had a quick peek." I shake my head. "No not at all. I don't like to keep things personal. I like sharing things with others." I say. He nods and smiles. "Well I gotta go I'll see you tomorrow Jimin." I sigh happily.
"Bye Tae!" He waves as he runs off. I continue walking to the gate when I'm shaved to the ground. Oh god not again. I start getting kicked everywhere and then pulled up and met face to face with Zack. The school bully. He punches me in the face and calls me names before saying "Stay away from (Y/N) you don't have a chance with her." I just lay there on the ground crying from pain and what he just said. You're worthless. You're scum. Nobody loves you. Not even your family. I also cry from the thoughts swimming in my head. They keep getting louder and louder. I suddenly hear my name being shouted. It's Jin, Yoongi and Jade "What happened Jiminie?! Who did this to you?" I see Jin come out of the school with (Y/N) and they come rushing over to see if I'm ok. I have a black eye already and my nose is bleeding. I'll probably have bruising on my torso now as well. "It was Zack. He told me to leave (Y/N) alone because I don't have a chance with her." I say through sobs. What surprises me is Yoongi's reaction and (Y/N's). Yoongi hugs me and (Y/N) says. "Yeah like he's have a chance with me. Jimin I'd date you any day before I'd even consider dating him." She says and it makes me laugh but I stop from the pain. Yoongi and Jin help me up and Jin gives me a piggy back to Yoongi's. Once there they leave me on the sofa with (Y/N) and Jade while they go and grab some ice packs for my eye and my torso. I have a box of tissues for my nose and Jungkook is here as well. "We should be able to get you cleaned up before your parents get home." Yoongi says. I nod.
"But what about his eye. My mum's gonna kill me because I wasn't there when he needed me." I sigh.
"Jin hyung it'll be fine. You were still in the school when it happened you couldn't have know." I say.

*Time skip*
"Well we should probably head home. Jimin are you ready?" Jin shouts up to me.
"Yeah just a minute!" I shout back.
"Call or text me later ok?" (Y/N) says and winks before kissing my cheek that's badly bruised. I blush and smile. "I will do." She smiles.
"I hope your eye gets better soon. Oh and Jade said she saw Zack beat you up so he's getting suspended for a while. You don't need to worry about him plus you have Yoongi, Jin, me, Jungkook, Namjoon Jade and Taehyung on your side. If anyone tries to touch you again you just let us know and they'll regret it. Besides Jade is I rugby player so you don't want to mess with her." I nod suddenly scared by the thought of Jade running at me full speed. She'd break me instantly. I'm quite fragile I guess. I bruise easy and break easily. Once Jin and I get home I head upstairs after explaining what happened to me and that it wasn't Jin's fault. Our parents were ok with it and Jin didn't get in trouble. I get changed and call (Y/N). She doesn't answer so I leave her a text saying 'Sleep well. I'll see you tomorrow' and lock my phone. I sigh as I lay down. Pain racing through my body as I close my eyes hoping sleep will envelop me soon.

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