My world

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Jade's P.O.V
I'm taken out of the room as they try and save his life. Jin and Jungkook jump up as soon as they see me. "H-his heart is failing. H-he flatlined while I was in there." I say in tears. The nurse who came to get me tells us that we should go home and get some rest and he'd phone us if there was any news on Yoongi. I nod and we head home. I'm sitting in the back with Tae and Jungkook. Tae resting his head on me and I rest my head on Jungkook. I'm really tired now and just need someone to hold me. Jungkook holds me on the drive home while I cry. Tae hugs my side as I'm leaning over onto Jungkook and we are in a car. I stay with Jin and Jimin, and Tae and Jungkook go home. I don't have to worry about telling my parents what happened to Yoongi because they're dead. They died in a car crash when I was 4. Yoongi takes care of us both as he is 18 now. We were in foster care until then as no on wanted us 'broken children'. We were grieving for our parents and no one wanted that so until Yoongi became 18 we lived there. Once he turned 18 he was my legal guardian as we had no other family where we lived. We still don't. I don't think they want anything to do with us. We get back to Jin and Jimin's and Jimin gives me his room and he stays with Jin. I phone Namjoon and tell him what happened and that I won't be at school. Jimin and Jin take the day off too just to support me. Namjoon sends his love and hugs. He hopes everything is ok. I do too. He can't die. If he does I'm back into care and I can't go back. I can't lose him. He's the only family I have left. He means the world to me and so much more. Jungkook and Tae go to school but it's only a half day for seniors today as we are now technically on study leave. They arrive at Jin's at about 12:30 and Jungkook immediately comes over to me and hugs me tightly. "He'll be ok. He's stronger that you know. He loves you too much to let you go that easy. He's fighting for you in there." Jungkook whispers and I nod feeling a few tears slip from my eyes. My phone suddenly rings. Me hearts starts pounding. I want it to be the hospital but I don't at the same time. It's not. It's Namjoon.
N:Namjoon J:Jade
N:Hey have you got any news yet?
J:Hey, no news yet.
N:I'm coming over are you at Jin's?
J:Yeah. I'll let him know just now.
N:Alright. Thank you.
J:No problem. See you soon.
N:Yeah see you soon. Bye
I put my phone down and tell Jin about Namjoon coming over. He nods and puts the tv on. I'm sitting on the sofa with a blanket and Jungkook around me. Jimin and Tae were cuddled up together as well and I just felt so bad for Jin because he had no one.

Jin's P.O.V
Everyone has someone to cuddle with. Mine is laying in a hospital bed fighting for his life. My phone goes off and it makes everyone jump. I answer.
J:Jin N:Nurse
N:Hi is this Jin?
J:Yes who am I speaking to?
N:I'm Yoongi's nurse. I phoned to tell you he is in surgery just now. We aren't sure how long he will be in surgery and we won't know if it was successful until afterwards. I'm sorry that's all I have to tell you right now. I'll keep you updated though I promise.
J:Ok thank you for telling me.
N:No problem. I'll let you know when he's out and you can come visit.
J:Thank you so much.
N:you're very welcome. Goodbye
I hang up and tell everyone the news. Namjoon arrived while I was in the phone. "Ok so we have some news but it's neither good nor bad?" Jimin asks. I nod.
"We don't know if the surgery will be successful until afterwards." I say. Jade is staying silent, just absorbing the information. (Y/N) text jade to ask why she wasn't at school but she couldn't answer so (Y/N) phones her. She hands her phone to Jungkook who answers and tell her what happened. She appears in a matter of minutes. "Why didn't you tell me Jade? You know I'm always here for you." She says.
"She didn't tell you because she could hardly believe it herself. We didn't tell you because we were supporting her and it wasn't our place to tell you." I say defending her. (Y/N) nods.

Jungkook's P.O.V
Jade's phone starts to ring. I hand it to her and she answers leavingtje room in the process. I sit on the sofa with Jimin and Tae while Jin paces about and Namjoon and (Y/N) sit on the floor. We are all anxious about what's being said to r on the phone. We know it's the hospital because she left the room. The wait is agonising. She was gone for about an hour. The phone call wasn't that long. I think she was just processing what she had been told. She finally comes back into the living room and with tear stained cheeks and red eyes. We all automatically thought the worst has happened. I was waiting for her to say "Yoongi didn't make it. He died during surgery," or "The surgery was unsuccessful amd he died shortly after coming out." She immediately ran to me and hugged me tightly not saying a word. I feel tears slip from my eyes as she pulls away and looks at me. "H-He" I'm bracing myself for the worst. "H-he's ok. He's stable enough to be woken up. We can go and see him!" She screams and I shout with happiness as does everyone else. Jin takes Jade, myself and (Y/N) to the hospital first and then go back for Jimin, Tae and Namjoon. Once all there we head to reception to find out where he was. Once told we head up. God Yoongi you have to be on the top floor don't you. To start with only Jade can go in but she comes back and smiles ushering us towards his room.

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