Don't Leave Me

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Jimin's P.O.V
I wake up around 10:30 am, as do Tae and Jungkook. "Morning guys. Do you want anything to eat or drink?" I ask and they nod. "Could I get a drink please?" Jungkook asks and before I could reply Tae jumps in. "Me too please." I laugh.
"Ok I've got apple juice, orange juice, tropical, summer fruits and water obviously." I say listing all the drinks we have. "Umm could I get orange please?" Ok orange for Tae. I look at Jungkook. "Apple please." Ok and apple of Jungkook. I might try the tropical, it looks nice. While I'm poring the juice I hear (Y/N) and Jade come down the stairs and I remember that I don't have a top on. I see jade giggle and (Y/N) is blushing like mad. I can't help but giggle. "Can I get you girls a drink?" I ask unbothered by the face that I forgot to put my T-shirt back on. I mean Tae and Jungkook don't have T-shirts on either so I don't see the problem. (Y/N) looks cute in her pjs. Shorts and a cute top.  It looks adorable on her. Jade is in one of Jungkook's T-shirts and a pair of shorts which is quite adorable as well. Here's the difference between (Y/N) and Jade. Jade is attractive, (Y/N) is cute and sexy. Jade is the first to tell me what she wants because (Y/N) is still in a trance. "Um yeah please. Could I get apple juice?" She's really polite though. I nod and give her a smile which she returns. I pour her a glass of apple juice and she joins Jungkook and Tae on the sofa. "Put Netflix on if you want." I say from the kitchen. I wave a hand in front of (Y/N)'s face trying to bring her back to reality. I really should put a top on. Yeah you should. She's staring at how ugly you are! Ugh I wish these voices would shut up and leave me alone. Her eyes finally shift from my torso to my eyes. "S-sorry what did you ask me?" She wasn't paying attention at all. I smile and giggle a little. "I asked if you wanted a drink." She nods. "What would you like?" I ask.
"Umm what have you got?" I list the drinks again and she finally decides. "Could I have some summer fruits please?" I nod and pour her drink. "I'll be back down in a minute I'm jut going to grab some T-shirts for us." I say as I walk towards the stairs. "Alright." I hear them all say at once. I head upstairs and see that my brothers door is still closed but as I walk past I l know they are awake. I can hear them.....talking. I continue to my room quickly when I hear footsteps coming towards the door. Once in my room I grab 3 T-shirts and head out of my room to be met by Jin. He's standing in my doorway. "Oh my god Jin you gave  me a heart attack!" I say while trying to calm my heart rate down. "Sorry jiminie. I didn't mean to scare you. I need to talk to you though." My eyes go slightly wider and my heart rate increases again. "Ok what do you need to tell me?" I ask quietly and Yoongi appears silently in my doorway. I usher him in with my eyes. "Ok well.....ugh Jimin please don't hate me when I tell you." I sigh hugging him.
"I won't hyung I promise now just tell me." I say anxiety building inside me.
"I-I'm *Yoongi places his hand on Jin's as a reassuring gesture. I do the same.* I'm gay Jimin. And I'm with Yoongi." He says embarrassed and a little upset.
"Hey Jinnie don't cry. I don't hate you. I'm proud of you. I'm glad you told me because I think it's awesome." I say smiling. "Now can I go and give these T-shirts to Tae and Jungkook?" I ask giggling.
"Ah yeah sorry." He smiles shyly. I wander back downstairs to the living room and throw the T-shirts at the boys while sitting myself on the floor in front of the sofa. I see Jin come down the stairs with Yoongi and they're holding hands. Ahhhh this is too cute!!! "So what are you guys up to today?" Jin asks as he enters the kitchen. "We were just going to chill and watch some movies and stuff. Why?" I ask curiously.
"Alright. I was just wondering as Yoongi and I are going out for a while so be good." Jin says jokingly.
"We will don't worry. What you going to do?"I laugh as he knows we are responsible.
"We're going to watch a film and just hang out maybe get some lunch. I don't know." Jin says. I get up and walk over to them. 
"Enjoy you little date." I say and wink at them before walking back to everyone else and I saw a faint blush on Yoongi's face. "Thank you Jimin." Yoongi says a little flustered but manages to regain control of himself. "No problem now get going before you miss the movie." I say ushering them out the door.
"Right so what are we gonna do?" I ask.
"Cuddle." Jade and Jungkook reply.
"With who exactly?" I ask sarcastically.
"Well you can have the best of both worlds. Tae and (Y/N)." Jungkook says. Ugh seriously.
"Funny but seriously guys what are we gonna do?" I ask kinda bored now.
"Well what do you want to do?" Tae asks.
"Anything that doesn't involve sitting cuddling. Anything that is like a game I guess." I say hoping they get the idea.
"How about Jade's spin the bottle again. No one did any forfeits." Tae says pouting slightly.
"I'm up for that." Jade says.
"Me too." Jungkook says excitedly.
"I guess we're playing spin the bottle again then." I sigh exasperated.
"Aww cheer up Jimin. It'll be fun." (Y/N) says.
It won't be fun at all they'll all make fun of you for your body. "Yeah I'm sure it will." I say trying to shake the thoughts out of my head and trying to convince myself that it will be fun. I start by spinning the bottle which lands on Tae. "Tae I dare you to make out with a player of your choice." I say smirking. Who will he pick?
"Ok. I pick you Jimin." He says and I feel all the colour drain from my face.
"Umm ok." I say and Tae slides over to me on the floor. His lips gently brush mine and I pull him into a proper kiss. I mean I dared him to make out with a player of his choice and a small peck on the lips doesn't count. He kisses me back with passion and it becomes a little heated. God I think he's making me Bisexual. He's a really good kisser and he's quite attractive too. He pulls away and spins the bottle. It lands on me. Fuck. "Jimin I dare you to take your T-shirt off." Even better. My dare is a forfeit. I do as I'm told and take my T-shirt off. I'm not quite so skinny anymore. I've been eating more recently which has helped me gain a little weight. I spin the bottle again and it lands on Jungkook. "Jungkook, take your T-shirt off. Either that or your jeans." I say and he immediately goes for the easier less embarrassing option of taking his T-shirt off so I'm not the only one without a T-shirt. Jungkook spins the bottle and it lands on Jade next. "Ah Jade I dare you to give Tae a hickey." Her face flushes but she nods. She knows Jungkook is ok with it since he's the one who dared her to. She moves over to Tae and starts kissing his neck and nibbling and sucking on a spot which suddenly made Tae shout out. "Ahh!" It was more like a moan if anything. She found his sweet spot. I wonder if she knows where Jungkook's sweet spot is? She finally stops and admired her work. "How's that?" It was very noticeable that's for sure.

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