Dealing with a bully

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(Y/N's) P.O.V
I lay awake in my room. Thoughts swimming through my head. You're ugly. No one loves you. Your worthless! I try to block them out but I can't they just get louder and louder until I can't cope anymore and I start crying. I grab my phone. It's 1:30 am. I text Jimin and Jade Expecting them to be asleep but they reply to my text telling me to video call them them so I do.
JM: Jimin Y: you J:Jade Jk:Jungkook
JM:Hey I got your text are you ok?
Y:Yeah I just can't sleep.
JM: Me neither.
J:Well the fact that we are all talking just now suggests that.
Y:Thank you for your sarcasm Jade
J:No problem *smiles*
Y:it's these thoughts that keep me awake at night. Telling me I'm ugly and that I'm worthless. I try to ignore them but they get louder the more I try.
J:Why didn't you tell me this before (Y/N)?
JM:I have the same issue. They haunt me all day and all night.
Y:I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner the voices convinced me that you'd hate me.
J:Why would I hate you you're my best friend.
Y:I don't know.
JM:I find that the voices can be very powerful sometimes.
Y:Yeah I feel that most nights. I turn the lights off and I can feel them. My thoughts judging me. Trying to take control of me. I hate it.
J:Sorry guys. Tw seconds*distant speaking* Jungkook stop that it tickles.
Y:What is he doing?
J: Trying to cuddle me but he keeps moving the blanket and it's tickling my arm.
Y:*bursts out laughing.* god you guys are so cute together.
Jk:Aw thanks (Y/N) you'll find love soon. They may be right in front of you and you just don't know it yet.
JM:wow that was really sweet Jungkook.
J:Yeah where'd that come from? You never say things nice things to me kookie! *pouts.*
Jk:I love you*Kisses Jade's head* Plus that's a lie I say nice things to you all the time. *pouts adorably*
J:Shut up guys.
*Time skip*
Y:Well it's already 2:30 so we should all try and sleep.
J:Jungkook's already asleep. *turns camera to face Jungkook*
JM: Aw that's cute. Well good night guys.
Y:Yeah night guys. Sleep well
JM&J:You too
I end the call and lay in bed and slowly let sleep envelop me.

Jade's P.O.V
I end the call and shimmy down into the blanket with Jungkook and the wraps his arms around my torso loosely and I snuggle my back into his chest. God I love this guy. He's so caring mad sweet. Thinking about that I think (Y/N) likes Jimin. I mean he certainly likes her. I sigh and fall asleep.

Time skip brought to you by Jungkook before Jungshook 😂

Time skip brought to you by Jungkook before Jungshook 😂

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Jungkook's P.O.V
I'm walking to school with the usual gang. Jade,(Y/N), Jimin, Jin, Tae,Yoongi and Jin when I hear Zack's voice calling out to Jimin. He can't harm him while Jade, Jin, Yoongi and myself are around. Jin will kill him if he even touches Jimin again but so would I and I'm pretty sure Jade would too. I mean I wouldn't get on the wrong side of (Y/N) either she scares me sometimes. "What do you want Zack?"I say unfazed. I don't care what he wants I want him to leave. "Jimin actually." I see the pure terror in Jimin's face as Jin and Yoongi push him behind them towards me and Jade. I see his facial expression change from cocky to slightly nervous. I mean if I had Jin and Yoongi towering over me (not that they would because I'm taller than Yoongi and about the same height as Jin) looking threatening I'd be scared too. Something is said to Jimin and I hear Jimin say "I'm not hiding from you. I'm not scared of you I don't need to be because you only bully me because you're jealous that I have friends and they actually care about me." He says and then punches him. Hard. It was awesome. I don't think he'll be getting bullied any time soon. We leave Zack and continue walking to school. I head him storm up to us again and I turn around and grab him by the shirt. "What part of piss off do you not understand?" I say seething. He swings and catches my cheekbone. I shove him to the ground and walk away. My cheek stings and it's starting to swell. "Jeez Jungkookie are you ok. That looks sore." Jimin asks. I love the nickname they gave me. "Yeah I'm alright. It's a bit sore but I'll be fine." I say. By break it had started bruising and I looked like I had been fighting. Tae told me at lunch that I look like a badass as did Namjoon. "*Laughs*. Thanks guys. I got called up about the bruising on my cheek last period." I say amused. Jimin looks shocked and Tae is in his own little world. "And what did you say?" Jimin asks nervously. (Y/N) sees his nervous face and puts an arm around him. "Nothing about you beating the hell out of Zack don't worry. I told them how I got the bruise and who witnessed it so I'm sorry but your all gonna get called up." I feel bad but they should know before they get called up and start panicking. "Even Jin and Yoongi?" Jimin asks with his cute voice. Every girl swoons over him and he doesn't notice it. How?! I nod. "Even them cause they witnessed it as well." They nod in understanding as Yoongi and Jin come over to our table at lunch. It surprises everyone in the hall. The most popular guys in 6th year are walking to a bunch of 4th years and sit down with them. It looks odd. Even we found it weird. "Hey, Jin hyung what are you doing over here with us?" Jimin asks. Yoongi replies since Jin is eating. "We wanted to see you guys and have a chat. Especially about Jimin and how f**king amazing that punch was. Good on you by the way." Jimin becomes flustered by all the praise he's just received from the best basketball player in the school. "Thank you. I didn't know I had it in me. It kinda hurt though." Jin finally pipes up "It would do Jiminie, you punched someone in the face. I'm so proud of you though and don't worry I won't tell mum."
"Thanks." Jimin says laughing.
"Jin called you Jiminie? That's so adorable. Can we call you that too?" I ask curiously. He nods shyly. I'm pretty sure he's older than me. It's like Jade she's a year older than me. I think Jimin is ages with her and (Y/N). "Sorry random question. Jimin how old are you?" I ask suddenly feeling very small as everyone looks at me. "I'm 16." (Y/N) smiles and says "So am I!" I laugh. "So is Jade." Yoongi says.
"How old are you Jungkook?" Jimin asks.
"I'm 15 so I'm the youngest here." I say feeling sad. "Aww Jungkookie it's ok. I like you being younger than me. Your taller than me though." I smile a little. "That's true. I like you being smaller than me. It means I can cuddle you and pick you up." She blushes slightly and smiles. I grab her and hold her against me breathing in her scent. "Thank you so much for loving me. I love you so much." I breath into her neck before kissing it quickly and everyone says awww. I blush as I take my head off her shoulder. I'm kinda embarrassed that everyone heard what I said and saw me kiss her or just seeing me kiss her. She likes me showing her affection in public though so I do. I'll get over my embarrassment eventually. The school day ends with PE and I'm thankful it's over. We head to Jin and Jimin's house for the weekend. We're all going to hang out over the weekend so we're staying at theirs and just playing stupid games like spin the bottle and truth or dare as well as like video games.

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