Chapter 21-Dark and Light

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"You summoned a dark dragon? Why is that so bad?"

"Because dark dragons are supposedly filled with evil."

"Li isn't, though, is he?"

"No, he's not. But that doesn't stop people fearing him." She rubbed the back of his neck and he nudged her stomach gently.

"Sorry boy, but I can't play with you now." He chuffed in disappointment and ran his nose up Yuan's arm. She hugged his neck then gently waved him off. He walked back into the shadows and curled up on his nest.

"How long have you had him?"

"Oh, years. Since I was about six. He grew with me; he was only a hatchling when I summoned him. And for all we know, that dark dragon you saw was Li. Don't get your hopes up, though. The Emperor probably has one too."

"Oh. Thanks for making me feel better."

"What are you going to do when you rule?" Yuan asked,leading me back down the corridor.

"I'm sorry?"

"When you take over as Empress."

"That hasn't been officially decided yet." I tried to change the subject, but Yuan wanted to stick with it.

"Sure it has. Haiko has already sent out word that we have our new leader."


"Bao recommended you, and everyone agrees."


"We have our reasons."

"Oh. Okay. Hey, can you show me the four-element dragons? I'd love to see if they all have the same patterns."

Yuan faulted, her voice cracking a little. "Uhh, no... No, they have to rest. I-I'm sorry."

"Oh, alright. Maybe some other time?"

"Sure." We had just made it to the stable entrance when Pearl came barreling in.

"Hurry," she cried, "he's hurt!"

"Pearl, what are you talking about?"

"The egg!" She ran back into the stable and rushed to the egg. Her eyes were wide with fear. She put her paw against the egg and light shone beneath it. She was panting hard, fearful. Finally a smile spread across her face.

"We have to hurry." She said.

"Why?" Asked Yuan, running her fingers over the egg.

Pearl turned to us. "Because the stone is taking over the baby. If we don't wake him soon... He'll die."

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