I ended up going to the party. I really did not want to because I absolutely hate drinking and I hate dancing. But I did this crap for Ariel.

Since it was a Halloween party, we dressed up. I went as a Norse goddess (don't judge, I had it picked out before I met Thor), and Ariel went as a sexy bunny or something. All I know is we definitely were a sight walking out of my apartment.

When we got to the party, I knew I would hate it already. They were handing out some drink at the door and watched you drink it. I wanted to leave right then and there but Ariel refused. She said I took a risk last night, why not again.

So I took the drink and pretended to take a sip, then I dumped it in a plant as soon as we passed the guards. Thank God I didn't have to finish it.

Ariel met some of her work friends and I was pushed to the back burner a little. But I didn't mind, I figured I'd be able to sneak home in a bit.

There were a lot of people in masks. I don't know if that's the in thing this year, but it was kind of creepy. I tried to point that out to Ariel, only to find that she was gone. Of course she was.

I didn't know what to do after that. I just awkwardly stood there, waiting for something to happen I guess. But I was not prepared for what finally did happen.

All around me people started dropping like flies. One after the other fell and hit the floor hard. I noticed quickly that the only people still standing were those in masks. Soon it was just me and a handful of masked people.

"You did not drink," one of them noted.

I could do nothing but stare.

"Get her."

"Whoa! Hey, don't 'get' me. I'll fight you."

They looked my small body up and down then laughed.

"With that small girlish figure and that dress? Not possible," one of them said, laughing.

I took a step forward and stumbled. I blinked hard and looked just to the left of the guy in front of me.

"Don't...do not underestimate...me."

I stumbled again but this time went to my knees. My breathing became heavy and I started swaying on the spot.

"What did you do to me?" I whispered.

Then I hit the floor and closed my eyes. I love being dramatic. One of the men rudely kicked me to see if I was really out, and it took all the power within me not to open my eyes and kick him in the knee. But I managed to stay still.

"Good, they're all out. She was a strong one, no?"

The men laughed and kicked a few other victims. I needed to do something to save everyone, but what? The Avengers weren't going to swoop in this time. Everyone had taken the drink because who wouldn't take free alcohol? There were at least two hundred people in here that I had to somehow save. The only thing I could think of was blowing up again.

I think I had more of a handle on it this time. What I did last time was think about hurting the Freezing guy and saving the Avengers. So it was the same thing, just more people to save and more people to hurt. If I didn't die, I would definitely start going to church more. Or, do I start worshipping the Norse gods now? I don't know, it gives me a headache thinking about it.

So I started thinking about my emotions. I thought about everything and everyone that had hurt me my whole life, everything that had angered me to no end, my dad's premature death, my mother leaving us. Everything built up, causing me to turn a deep red color. I felt the emotions building and building until I felt like I was about to explode. Then it was gone and for a split second, nothing happened.

Everything happened at once after that. I exploded, sending shockwaves in every direction. The innocent on the floor didn't feel a thing, but the people in masks felt it all. It was like spontaneous combustion. They just...disappeared.

I sat up and had to take a second so I didn't pass out. My head was on fire and I was still red and steaming. The good news, my shockwave seemed to have woken everyone up. They were still groggy but they could hopefully walk out themselves. Because unfortunately, I forgot to protect the building, so it was coming down fast.

"Hurry, the building is coming down," I said as I helped everyone up and out.

Ariel wasn't doing too good. I wrapped my arm around her and helped her walk out. She was laughing and stumbling all over the place. So I brought her outside, put her on the sidewalk across the street, then helped the rest of the people out of the building. Everyone was out just in time. The building collapsed, leaving dust and debris floating around afterwards.

I sat down on the curb next to Ariel and hugged her. She giggled and grabbed my hair.

"You're a goddess," she whispered.

I laughed. "I know, Ariel. Let's get you home now."

Everyone dispersed themselves so I took Ariel home. Sirens screamed in the distance but I didn't feel like explaining myself to the police. By the time we got home, Ariel was a little more sober. She was complaining of a headache.

"Last time we go to a party, huh?"

She just grumbled and complained some more. I felt pretty proud of myself though. I saved lives without the Avengers' help. That felt extremely good. So I went to bed feeling exceptionally proud of myself.

(1)The Avengers: The Lost GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now