I woke up to incessant knocking on the door. Despite not drinking last night, it sure felt like I had. But I got out of bed, realizing I still had my costume on, and went to the door. Honestly, I was thinking it was old man Chang so I didn't care that I was wearing a Norse goddess dress. I should've cared.

I opened the door to find Thor awkwardly standing in front of me. He looked me up and down and raised his eyebrows.

"Interesting choice, Lady Rivers."

I mentally slapped myself. "I had a party last night. But what are you doing here? I thought you weren't allowed to contact me?"

"These mortals have no say over me, I am a god. Now, may I enter?"

I stepped back and let him through. He went and sat on my couch then admired the apartment for a while.

I cleared my throat. "Did you have a reason for visiting me at six in the morning?" I asked, glancing at the clock.

"Oh, yes. I'm here on behalf of all of the Avengers."

I frowned.

"They told me to come because no one is going to get mad at a god. Especially not one that has had troubles following mortal orders in the past."

"I see."

"Yes, but anyway. We heard about the building collapsing last night. We figured it was you. Why'd you do it?"

"To save lives," I simply said. "Now if that's all you wanted to know, I have to go take care of my friend."

"Ah, the mortal friend."

I frowned. "Um...yes. Her name is Ariel."

"Right. Ariel. We want you to join us. Well, Tony not included. But the rest of us outvoted him. So..."

"Like...be an Avenger?"

"What else would I mean?"

"Why should I? I mean, not all of you are on board with it. Tony made that very clear."

"Let me tell you a secret. Nobody listens to Tony."

"That's the approach I was going to take," I admitted.

"Please come join us. We need you just as bad as you need us."

"Can I leave a note for my friend?"

"Well of course! Off we go then. Do not bother changing because that dress compliments you!"

Despite feeling stupid, I didn't change. Thor looked just as stupid and everyone loves him so who cares. I packed a backpack with a few changes of clothes, left a note for Ariel making up some place I'd be, then locked my apartment and walked into the street with Thor.

"Hang on," he said, wrapping his arm around my waist.

Before I could question it, he blasted into the air and I was flying. It was different, flying while not being unconscious or severely emotional. Everything flew by but it's like I was seeing it all through different eyes.

"Rather breathtaking, isn't it? I say, you mortals do have a beautiful planet. Nothing can triumph Asgard, though."

I wasn't quite sure how to respond, so I didn't. We landed on the deck of the Avengers' home moments later.

"There. Welcome home, Lady Rivers."

"Um...don't call me that."

"Then what shall I call you?"

"How about just my first name? Celestial."

"Celestial. It's beautiful."

"Thank you."

He brought me inside where the original Avengers were sitting. Tony scowled and walked over to his wall of liquor.

"Hey Celestial. Come sit with us, we have much to discuss," Natasha said, smiling sweetly.

I sat across from her, right next to Steve Rogers. I was very aware of his presence. What can I say? When I'm near a good looking man I'm going to get a little nervous.

"We all want you on the team. Every single one of us."

"Except me," Tony said, raising his glass as we turned to look at him.

"No one counts your opinion, Tony," Natasha mumbles.

"Sure, sure. I only used my money to build the base, make you weapons and suits. But no one cares about that. What were to happen if I gave you faulty weapons?"

"You would no longer make our weapons. Now shut up," Natasha snapped.

He just went back to drinking. What was his deal?

They continued to tell me what type of training I'd be doing (hand-to-hand combat, weapon skills, etc.), what would be expected of me, and why they needed me.

"We've never had anyone on this team like you. Considering you managed to get everyone out safely from that building last night, I think you're starting to get a handle on your powers," Clint told me. I eyed the bow and arrows he had on his back.

"Yeah, just wait until she flies off the handle and kills us all," Tony mumbled.

"Okay, I know I don't have much authority here, but I think I speak for all of us when I say, what is your deal? What do you have against me?" I asked, finally fed up with his crap.

"You're a child. There is no place among us for you. I do not want to have to babysit you to make sure you don't die. What would your parents think?"

"My father is dead and my mother may as well be dead."

"Oh, you've had a tough life. Join the club, sweetheart."

"Ignore him, Celestial. He loves getting under people's skin," Steve said. Wow, my name sounded real nice coming from him.

"The point is, we need help," Clint clarifies. "We can always use new people, and contrary to what Tony thinks, one person isn't going to make or break this team. We work together which is why we are called a team."

"Wonderful pep talk. Are we done here? I have places to be," Tony said, finishing his glass of liquor.

"No one said you had to stay," Natasha reminded him.

"Great. Well, I'm going to take Pepper out for supper. Don't blow up my base while I'm gone."

He looked at me and I just rolled my eyes. Who did he think he was?

"Don't bother with him, Celestial. That's probably his way of saying he really likes you," Bruce said, probably feeling like he needed to explain for Tony.

"It's fine. It doesn't really bother me much."

That was a lie. It really bothered me. I couldn't stand when people don't like me. Especially when it's for no apparent reason. I mean, I have gotten pretty snappy with him a few times, but I have apologized. Just thinking about it made me really curious.

"I'll show you to your room where you'll be staying for a while," Steve said, standing up.

"Hold up, wait. I'm going to be staying here? What about Ariel?"

They all looked at each other.

"Well, it's best if you don't tell her what's going on. We'd rather you stay here so we know where you are, but you're free to go home whenever you want. It's not like we're keeping you prisoner," Natasha told me.

"Okay. Can I tell her about all of this?"

"We'd rather you didn't, but if she's close to you, she can know you're an Avenger now."

I smiled. "Thank you."

(1)The Avengers: The Lost GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now