We rode the ferry into Boston, docking near the aquarium. I had called in and taken some time off so we could go chase Jacob around.

First, I took them to the aquarium to show them all of the animals and everything I do. We were stopped by Claire who, once again, stared at Steve in awe. But she spent more time raking over Peter, who didn't even acknowledge her.

"Claire," I said, waving my hand in front of her face.

We must've looked like a sight. All of the Avengers stood behind me, all of us forming a V. Claire looked very intimidated.

"Sorry. Myrtle is sick. Well, just a cold we think. But, you should go see her before..."

"Before I leave for New York? She's not going to do anything but get better. It's just a vacation, I'll be back soon," I assured Claire.

"Okay. Your wet suit is hanging up."

I took a few minutes to get my wet suit on then led the Avengers up to the top of the ocean tank. Peter happily walked beside me, pointing at every fish he saw.

"This is so freaking cool."

"Peter, you've said that to every fish you've pointed out."

"I know but it is cool. And you look cool in that...spandex outfit."

I laughed. "It's a wetsuit, Peter."

He grabbed my hand and started running up the spiral walkway, forcing me to stumble after him.

"What's that ugly one called?"

"That's a barracuda, Peter."

"Wicked. Let's go see the turtle."

"Her name is Myrtle."

He snorted as he laughed. "Myrtle the turtle."

When we finally made it to the top of the tank, everyone dispersed and went their own ways. There was a few people up there but we mainly had it to ourselves. I slowly slipped into the tank and made my way to Myrtle with some food. I talked to her quietly as I fed her and we swam around the tank.

"You're really good with animals."

Steve's voice startled me out of my daze. I looked up at him; he was standing against the railing with ease, his one leg behind his other, arms hanging loosely over the railing, looking down at me with a soft smile.

"I really like ocean life."

"The ocean looks good on you."

"Why thank you."

He grabbed my hand and helped me out of the tank, pulling me up right beside him. I was trying to think of something to say, but Peter came up before I could say anything.

"Can we go to your other job now? I wanna see a planetarium."

"Of course. Let me change first and I'll meet you guys downstairs."

I had brought my clothes up with me and was able to change up there. On my way out, I stopped to pick up a soda can that someone had tried to throw but missed. The can was on its way out of my hand when another one soared past me and landed straight in the garbage. I stopped, my heart ready to burst, but refused to turn.

"Not going to face me, darling?"

Slowly, I turned around to face Loki. He stood on the opposite side of the tank, watching me with a predatory stare.

"Get away from me. The Avengers are just downstairs and know I'm up here."

"Oh, sweetie. It's cute that you think they scare me."

(1)The Avengers: The Lost GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now