The rest of the week slipped by and I was honestly dreading this ball. No one was the same with me anymore. They all walked on eggshells around me and whispered behind my back. At trainings I backed off, even letting some wounds happen. I had to admit, the Wakanda technology was pretty good.

At one point, everyone ganged up on me so bad all I could do was lie on the floor and wait for it to be over. Finally, Fury yelled at everyone to stop. I shakily stood, my eye swollen shut with Black Panther claw marks from my eye to my chin. Blood poured down my face but I barely noticed. All I could focus on was the stares and whispers.

"Why?" He asked.

Nobody said anything, we just watched.

"Why are you degrading Celestial this way? She is one of your best fighters hands down. So why do you treat her like a disease? If that's the case, I'll begin treating you all the same. None of us are outcasted here. Sure we've all had our differences, even hatred towards each other, but this is no way to treat someone who has many extraordinary gifts.

"I am disappointed in all of you. Go shower up."

I smiled at Fury as everyone around me left.

"And you, well done. But do not be ashamed of your gifts. I never want to see you give up ever again, do you hear me?"

I smiled wider. "Yes, sir."

"Let's get you down to the infirmary. Can't have you scarred up for the ball tonight."

He walked me down to the infirmary where I had my face reconstructed and almost completely fixed. I asked if I could have the scar as a reminder to never give up. Wouldn't look too good with my dress for tonight, but oh well.

As I walked back to my room, I met Natasha and Gamora in the hallway. They both lowered their eyes but kept talking which was a little bit of an improvement. I went and showered then joined everyone for breakfast.

Everyone still talked and didn't go quiet, but some of them still wouldn't meet my eye. Peter, on the other hand, talked too much.

"Hey, Cel. Did that hurt?"

"Peter, of course claws to the eye hurt."

"Why didn't you get rid of the scar?"

"I'm keeping it as a reminder."

"Wicked. Who you going to the ball with? I'm taking MJ."

"Who's MJ?"

"Only the hottest girl in the world!" He said with a mouthful of food. He's definitely a keeper.

I grabbed a plate and started filling it. When Natasha said my name, it startled me so much that I dropped the spoon for the eggs.

"On behalf of everyone here, we want to apologize for how we reacted. We've never seen anything like that before and I hope you realize you could be a very powerful enemy," Natasha explained.

"You guys think I'm going to turn on you? That's crazy, you guys are the good guys."

I could see everyone visibly relax and I realize that's what they were worried about.

"That's wonderful. You can definitely give every one of us a run for our money. I think you hurt Thor's pride the most," Natasha said.

Everyone laughed but Thor didn't look too thrilled. I caught Steve's eye and he smiled at me, making me melt with just one gesture. After breakfast we just sat around the table talking and joking around. Honestly, as cheesy as it sounds, I kind of felt like I was part of a family.


The time finally came to begin getting ready for the ball. The only time I've ever dressed up for anything was prom, and that didn't go too well. But Steve isn't that way. I'll definitely get my dance with him.

I didn't know how to do my hair and was on the doorstep of panic when there was a knock on my door. Natasha stepped in my room looking gorgeous in a long red gown. She smiled.

"Need any help?" She asked.

"With my hair and probably getting tied into my dress."

She curled my hair then put half of it up so it was out of my face, then she helped me step into my dress and tie it up. She turned me around and fixed a few stray curls.

"There. You look beautiful. Come join us when you're ready."

She left and I took a second to admire my dress. It was definitely better than the prom dress I had wore. I also felt more grown up and I think I filled the dress a lot better than I would've in high school.

I sat on my bed to put my heels on, then checked myself in the mirror once more. My dad would be so proud.

When I walked out, everyone was busy fixing ties, straightening dresses, and fixing hair. Tony was helping a nervous looking Peter tie his tie, Natasha was fixing Gamora's hair while Quill mocked them in the background. Thor was dressed in his normal suit of armor with his hammer in his hand, and then my eyes fell on Steve.

He was tying his tie as he walked over to Tony. Tony said something to him, making his face redden slightly. Steve looked amazing in a suit, not that he didn't look amazing in everything he wore. He finally looked up at me and his eyes widened.

Steve pushed past Tony and slowly came up to me. He looked at my dress then looked me in the eye.

"You are absolutely stunning," he said, taking my hand.

He twirled me around and stopped me so I was looking at him again.

"That dress looks wonderful on you."

"How'd you know what color tie to wear?" I asked.

"Natasha told me."

I looked her way and she gave me a thumbs up. Leave it to her.

"Are you ready to go?" Steve asked.

"Of course."

I took his arm and only then did I realize how tall he was as I looked up into his beautiful blue eyes.

(1)The Avengers: The Lost GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now