I spent a few more days agonizing over what I was going to do. Steve and I could grow old together, I could be an Avenger for the rest of my life. But something about my mothers visit bothered me. I had to remember my godly roots. Something was pulling me towards Asgard and the life I have as Rán.

The more my decision leaned towards Asgard, the more my mortal body deteriorated. The doctors were preparing my body as well as everyone else for my passing. But was it what I wanted? They were playing the waiting game as I tried to make up my mind.

I watched as Steve sat in my room through the night, playing with my hair, playing with my hands, and telling me all about his day. Could I really let him go? He's only kissed me that once but I wanted to kiss him again so bad. My heart ached and I realized he was the thing making my decision so difficult. Until that night.

"Celestial, I know you can hear me. This may sound crazy and it probably is, but if I listen hard enough I can swear I hear you breathing next to me. Not your body, but...you."

I self consciously moved away from his side.

"I don't want you to fight, love. More than anything I want you to wake up and look at me with those beautiful brown eyes that bring me to my knees. But you're in pain. You can't be happy here and you know it."

Tears streamed down my face, matching the ones that rolled down his. He was holding my hand so tightly, crying so hard; he was absolutely beautiful. How did he expect me to leave him?

"This is just as hard for me, everyone really, as it is for you. We love you, Celestial. I love you."

He was letting me go. My dad always said if you love something to let it go. Until the day he died, he still waited for Freya to come back. But for me, something told me Steve would come back. Or I would, however the dice were played. But I knew then that everything would be okay.

I hesitated slightly, but I finally admitted my final decision. Quite honestly, I thought it was going to be quick and I would be whisked away to Asgard, but it took three whole days for my mortal body to die. Within that time, Tony didn't leave the room at all, even when other people came in. Steve was by my side almost as much as Tony, and everyone came in at some point to give their goodbyes.

Rocket actually made me laugh, which I was surprised I even knew how to do anymore. I think they all knew that I could hear them. They knew how much they all meant to me so they were trying to make it more peaceful and make sure I knew they weren't mad at me for making the decision I did.

Three days later, the heart monitor flatlined. Nothing happened to me. I didn't go back to Asgard, I didn't lose the weird consciousness that I was holding onto, and I could still hear and see everything. Steve cried, Tony cried, Thor cried, everyone cried. I even cried. It was painful to see everyone I loved weeping over my deceased body. Oddly enough, I was thinking about Ariel and my dad. How did they do this? They weren't godly that I knew of so where did they go? I have Asgard, but where did my poor father and best friend go?

About an hour after my time of death, Steve and Tony were still in my room, talking to the doctors when Freya walked in. This time was different, she wasn't here as a spirit. I know that because Steve and Tony immediately started glaring at her.

"Where have you been?" Tony demanded. "Some mother you are."

"I'll have you know, Tony Stark, that I have a kingdom to run."

"That still is no excuse to miss the death of your daughter. You could have done something."

My mother's face crumpled and she truly looked as old as she probably was. "I wish I could've. I truly wasn't hiding, though, I assure you."

"Then what were you doing?" Steve demanded.

"The enchantment on that ring, I could lift it, but it wasn't my power to restore."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Tony all but yelled.

"A dwarf made that ring, enchanted it as well. He made it for me so I could keep the one thing I loved safe; Celestial's father. He gave me the power to remove the enchantment if the situation ever arose that it had fallen into the wrong hands. But he didn't give anyone the power to restore the enchantment. He died years ago in battle, so I spent this whole time trying to track down anyone he could've gave the power to restore the enchantment. I had no luck."

The two men admitted defeat and apologized for being so rude. Watching the exchange tugged on my heart strings for some reason. They talked for a few more minutes before Tony left to begin the funeral arrangements. My mother watched him leave, then turned to Steve the minute the door shut.

"She loved you, Steve, in both lifetimes," Freya said, causing me to blush.

"I know she did."

"There will come another time that you will fall in love with her all over again. Her beauty is...otherworldly," humor stained Freya's words.

"It wasn't just her beauty, Freya. It was everything about her. She was so strong and brave. Tony told me she knew she was going to die, he told me about the prophecy. But she chose to accept that and not even tell us because she believed the sacrifice of her life was more important than losing billions of humans lives. What if she isn't like that in the next life? What if she is completely different and doesn't even fall for me again? Or worse, what if I don't love her?"

Freya smiled and grabbed Steve's hand. "My dear boy, everything you fell in love with is in her flesh and blood. No matter if she's mortal or godly, that is how she is. I cannot tell you much about her life as a goddess, but just know, you would love her no matter what."

"When can I see her again?"

"When the time is right, you will know."

Freya's eyes shifted and she was suddenly looking right at me. Steve turned and locked eyes with me, only he wouldn't know that. That last look from the man I loved was enough to put me at peace. I closed my eyes and everything around me melted away.

(1)The Avengers: The Lost GoddessWhere stories live. Discover now