Chapter 1

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Decided to do this.

The who made the request: VanaTheDevilishAngel

Those who encourage for all of this: GalaxyChan6 GamingKitten847 Jellyizhere and many more

Please enjoy.


Thunder filled the base that Elemental created. As of now he chased Sabre and Rainbow around his base after their plan to trap the Steve failed. With the help from Time, the plan seemed to work, but Elemental was a step a ahead of them. No matter where the two went, there was no way out. They circled back around to where the entrance was and tried to did under, but without the proper tools they were soon cornered by Elemental.

"Well well well, look what we have here" Elemental smirk at the two as he approach them. There was no way out and there was no one to save them.

"We're done for" Rainbow whimpered. His back was again the obsidian wall and he shook with fear. Sabre stood in in front of his friend with a sword in hand while thinking of a plan to get both of them out of this situation.

"Give up Sabre, there is no way out of this" Elemental chuckle.

"There is no way I'm giving up!" Sabre exclaimed. He was filled with determination to protect his friend.

The Steve shook his head and let out a chuckle, "Oh Sabre, you're going to be so fun to play with."   

"What does that mean?" 

Elemental said nothing as he approach the human who back himself into the wall of obsidian. Sabre gained some courage when Elemental was a bit more than an arm reach from him and swung his sword. In a flash, Elemental grabbed Sabre's wrist and twisted it causing him to drop his only weapon. Sabre yelped at the grip Elemental had on him and tried to pull free.

"Let him go!" Rainbow tried to push Elemental away from Sabre, but was back handed and knocked out.

"Rainbow!" Sabre yelled. With enough force, Sabre manage to get out of Elemental's hold to ran to his friend, but an arm loop around his waist before he could. He was pulled into a strong chest and was trap.

"Let's me go! Sabre struggle. His breath hitch when he felt the Steve breathing in his ear.

"You're mine my dear"

Sabre then felt himself getting tired and soon went limp in Elemental's hold. Elemental lifted Sabre up and held him in one arm as though he was just a child. The Steve moved some brown hair out of Sabre's face letting see every feature of the human's face.

"You're mine FavremySabre"

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