Chapter 6

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Elemental returned with some food for him and 'Sabre' when he noticed that 'Sabre' standing and staring into space once again. Elemental put down the food on a bench near him then walk to 'Sabre' knowing what was happening. When he got close enough, gold dominated grey once again.

"My dear, is everything alright?" Elemental ask when he seen 'Sabre' blink.

'Sabre' let out a sign, "He resilient, I'll give him that. His will and spirit are hard to bend, but he's giving in little by little; soon he'll be yours" 

'Sabre' warp his arms Elemental's neck while Elemental put his hands on 'Sabre's' hips.

"Perfect" Elemental smiled, he felt happy that Sabre would be his soon, but at the same time he felt guilty. There has been a feeling in the back of his head, even before he marked Sabre, telling him that this was wrong and lately he's been agreeing with it. 

Elemental realized that he's taking someone as kind and innocent as Sabre and turning him into someone he's not meant to be. He loves Sabre very much, but he's taking Sabre away from his friends, family, and the one he loves. Yes Elemental knew Sabre already had a lover, but with him being selfish he took Sabre.

"Love?" 'Sabre' said. Elemental mumbled something that 'Sabre' didn't hear.

"Can you repeat again love?"

"This isn't right" Elemental said louder .

"W-What do you mean?" 'Sabre' ask worried.

"I mean this. Forcing Sabre to be and do something he doesn't want. I prefer him being happy then knowing he's not" Elemental started to step away from 'Sabre' to weaken the hold the mark's has on Sabre.

"Please don't, we're so close. He'll love you, that's what you wanted!" 'Sabre' cried. He can feel Sabre braking his bindings.

Elemental shook his head and continue to get further from 'Sabre', "I'm sorry, but I rather have him hate me than force him to do something he doesn't want"

'Sabre' glared at Elemental and his eyes turned black, "You're going to pay for this Elemental"

Suddenly Elemental heard the sound of an explosion below them. He look away for just a moment then turn back to see 'Sabre' gone.

"You made a HUGE mistake Steve"

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