Chapter 3

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"All yours" Sabre said in a daze. Elemental smirk, he made Sabre look up at him to see his grey eyes now mix with gold.

"You're all mine my dear" It wasn't long before Sabre's legs gave out, lucky Elemental caught him and picked him up bridal style.

Sabre snuggle into Elemental's chest and held his shirt with his hands.

"How about we see Rainbow?"

Sabre look up and gave him a confused look and slowly said, "Rain...bow?

Elemental's smile couldn't get any bigger, his plan went perfectly: not only did he mark Sabre, but manage to block his memory for now.

"Do you not remember?" Sabre shook his head still looking up at Elemental with his bight eyes.

"My name and some basic knowledge is all I remember." (Sabre's memories of the Steves are block)

Elemental kissed Sabre's head and walk out of the cell, "You apparently lost your memories my dear."

"Who are you?" Sabre questioned the Steve.

"I am Elemental and you, my dear, are mine"


"Yes" Elemental entered the room where a colorful Steve stood in a small enclosed area.

"Elemental!" Rainbow growled and glare at the Steve.

"Hello Rainbow, are you ready to tell me where the artifacts are?" Rainbow yelled no and shook his head, "Too bad, isn't that right Sabre"

That's when Rainbow notice his best friend in Elemental's arms, "Sabre! What did you do to him Elemental?! I swear to Notch if you-!"

"Now now settle down. You're scaring little Sabre here" Indeed he was, Sabre whimpered when Rainbow started to yell and tried to get closer to Elemental.

"What. Did. You. Do." Rainbow growled. He felt as though Sabre had no say in what was happening. To prove his point: Sabre would never takes off his bandanna and especially not for a Steve like Elemental.

Elemental chuckle as he turn Sabre's head so Rainbow could see the mark he gave to the human.

"You heartless being! You did that without his consent! How dare you!"

"Oh, he'll give me his consent soon. This mark is there to help him realize that he loves me"

"He'll never love you! He'll never love you out of his free will!"

"Elemental" Sabre whispered.

"Yes my dear?"

"What does he mean by all that?"

"Nothing my dear, nothing that you need to worry about" Elemental then started to kiss Sabre in front of Rainbow who was enraged.

"Don't touch him!"

"I'll do as I please. Now if you excuse me, I'm going to .... get acquainted with my darling here" Elemental turn out of the room with Rainbow shouting at him.

Sabre was confused and was about to ask Elemental, but some how the Steve read his mind.

"Don't think about what that Steve said my dear" Elemental said as he open the door too his room. He gently placed down Sabre on the big bed and crawled on top of him.

"But what did he mean that I will never love you?"

Elemental moved a piece of hair out of Sabre's face, "I love you very much and I'm a very selfish Steve so I took you. I'm hoping you'll love me like I do you soon"

The Steve then lean in to give Sabre a kiss which Sabre surprised him by letting him in. Sabre ran his hand through the Steve's black hair and groan when the other started to kiss down to his neck.

"E-Elemental" Sabre breathed. Elemental then nibble on the mark he gave Sabre getting him louder.

"Elemental!" Sabre screamed.

"That's it my dear scream my name until you can't" Elemental said still tracing his tongue all over Sabre's neck to which he shuttered to. And Sabre did just that as Elemental touch him all over.

The more pleasure Elemental gave to Sabre the deeper Sabre fell into the trance the mark made him go into. Elemental didn't stop until Sabre's grey eyes were no more and gold was the dominate color. Once they were, Elemental pull away and smirk down at his panting dear.

"Eventually, you will love me out of your free will as of now you'll be under my control my dear. Once I find the location of the artifacts, this world is mine and you'll be right next to me, FavremySabre"

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