Chapter 7

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(During the events of Chapter 6)

Rainbow paced back and forth in his cell as he waited for Time to come back with the cure to the Forced Mark, though he never heard of a cure for it. 


Rainbow stopped and saw Time in front of his cell with a relief look across his face. 

"Time, did you find it? The cure?"

"Yes, but please keep an open mind" 

"Keep an open mind why?"

"Because the cure isn't a it but a who" Rainbow look past to see Dark leaning on a wall.

"What is he doing here?!" 

Time bit his lip knowing that Rainbow and Dark are not on good terms also Rainbow has no clue about Dark and Sabre's relationship. Time didn't think this through, but Rainbow would find out sooner or later. 

"I'm here for my phoenix, Elemental took him knowing full and well that I marked him already" Dark growled. He seriously wants to hurt Elemental so bad that he'll be begging to live.

"Who are you talking about?!"

"Rainbow please, Dark is Sabre's only hope of getting rid of the mark's influence" Time reasoned. They don't much time left until Sabre is no longer him.

"I don't see why we have to help him" Dark gestured to Rainbow.

"I don't see why you're even here! You hate Sabre and I plus want to destroy us! How can you be an help for Sabre when you want to destroy him!" Rainbow shouted. Dark hasn't done nothing, but cause problems for the both of them over the years.

"Shut up!" Dark yelled, "Don't talk about my phoenix like that! He's mine, always have and always will be! Elemental knew this very well yet he takes Sabre from me"

Rainbow was speechless, Sabre was marked by Dark? That was something he couldn't believe.

"Prove it"

Dark rolled his eyes and pulled up his sleeve to show a bright grey ring around his wrist with Sabre's name on it. That ring meant both Sabre and Dark accepted each other; Sabre would have a black ring around his wrist with Dark's name on it.  


"We can go over the details later!" Time yelled getting tired of the two bickering, "First save Sabre then you two can talk"

The two shared looks.


Not wanting to have a bad time, Dark ready a fire ball and told the others to step back; he then blasted it at Rainbow's cell making a hole.

"I'm free!" Rainbow cheered, but that didn't last long when Time grab his and Dark's arm, pulling them out of the room.

"Now I know what Sabre feels when dealing with Steves" Time mumbled, "I'm going to take him away after this for a vacation and see how long all of you last"

"Don't you-"

"I will freeze you in time Dark, don't you dare argue with me" Time threatened. 

Dark did not say another word, he knows Time and though he is very young and innocent, he does not deliver empty threats. Rainbow decided to question Dark later seeing how important Sabre is to him.    

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