Chapter 5

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Meanwhile with Elemental and Sabre, the mark on Sabre has temporary taken over him for some time so he was no longer in control. The mark has evolved to the point is an entity within Sabre's head forcing him to be with Elemental. 

As of now Elemental and 'Sabre' were talking on the bed.

Elemental grinned seeing his dear smiling and laughing, "How do you fell my dear?" 

The Steve knows that the one he is talking to is not exactly Sabre, but what he will be once the human gives into the mark.

"I feel  great, especially with you", 'Sabre' smiled, but where were you earlier, Sabre almost broke free of my influence"

"I'm sorry my dear, I had to deal with something. I will come back sooner next time"

'Sabre' smiled and kissed Elemental who kissed back and pulled him on his lap pulling him closer. The Steve broke it and traced his tongue on the mark he made getting a shiver from the human. 

"I can't wait to have you all to myself" Elemental said. He got off the bed and offered a hand to 'Sabre' who took it and followed his love.

"Where are we going love?" 'Sabre' ask.

"You'll see my dear" 

Eventually they arrived at a garden filled with flowers.

"Amazing" 'Sabre' gasp.

"Indeed it is, stay here for now, I'll return soon"

Once Elemental left, Sabre's eyes flickered back and forth between grey and gold once again.


(In Sabre's head)

Though the mark was in control, Sabre could see and hear everything that went around him. Chains were attach to his wrist the whole time 'he' was with Elemental, but once the Steve left the chains were easy to break. Once he was free he tackled the mark to gain control of his body. The mark had taken the form of Sabre but had on gold color clothing and golden eyes.

"Stop taking over my body!" Sabre yelled.

"Stop resisting me and accept Elemental then you can have your body back!" 'Sabre' growled and fought the human back.

"I will never accept him! Besides my heart belongs to someone else!"

"They do not matter no longer" 'Sabre' overpowered Sabre  and chains trap him once again. The reason on 'Sabre's' new found strength is from Elemental who was getting closer to him.

"You're a stubborn one, I'll give you that, but you will never win." 'Sabre' sneered. He has seen many stubborn beings, but this one is different. His will and spirit is something untamable.

"The quicker you accept us, the less you lose of yourself" 'Sabre' advise. He walk away leaving a crying Sabre who just wants to go home.


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