Chapter 8

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I'm literally calling the mark, Mark

No one knew it, but Rainbow, Time, Dark and Elemental were running in the same hallway not far from each other. Time had let go of the two and was running in front of them since he knew the area better than either of them plus he can sense Elemental.

"We're almost ther-oof" Time wasn't paying attention when he ran into someone causing both of them to fall to the ground.

Dark and Rainbow stop before they step on Time on the ground. Rainbow went to help the fallen Steve, but Dark went over to the other Steve and slammed him on the ground.

"You're going to pay for what you're done to my phoenix!" Dark growled as he slammed Elemental on the ground again.

"Please wait" Elemental tried explain, but Dark was beyond angry.

"You took Sabre away from me knowing full and well he was and is mine"

"I understand what I have done and I want to fix it" Elemental pleaded.

"Dark wait" Rainbow pulled Dark off of Elemental, "Why the change after everything?"

"I realized that forcing Sabre to be someone he isn't is not right. I would rather have him hate me forever and know he was happy then be someone he's not." Elemental said, "I even told the mark I don't want to continue anymore"

The next thing every one knew was that Elemental was pin to the wall by Time who was seething in anger.

"You did WHAT! You bloody idiot! You flipping told the mark that do you have any idea what you've done! You just put Sabre's life in even more danger!" Time yelled.

"First off where did you learn that language? Second what's so bad about it?"

"You know what forget it, our time is almost out. Elemental you take Rainbow and Dark where you last seen Sabre, hopefully Sabre will regain enough strength to fight the mark once he sees Dark" Time started to walk off in another direction.

"Where are you going?" Rainbow ask.

"Fixing my idiot brother's mess again" Time turned and glared at Elemental with tears in his eyes, "For once in your life act as though you're older than me like you're suppose to be. I love you Elemental and I would do anything for you, but like Sabre, I'm tired of being the adult here"

"Time wait" Elemental was about to run after Time, but Dark put his hand on his shoulder.

"Let him go. We need to help Sabre"

Elemental nodded and lead the two where Sabre was, 'I messed up big time'


The three reach the garden and look around for a sign of Sabre.

"Where is he?" Dark ask.

"He was here"  

"Guys look up" 

When they look up they saw Sabre glaring down at them with black eyes.

"Sabre" Dark breathed and was about to fly up when Rainbow put a hand on him.

"Something doesn't feel right" Rainbow said. There was a dark aura that surrounded his friend, he barely recognize his aura anymore.

"Mark! Release Sabre right now!" Elemental demanded, but he got hit by lightning and went flying backwards. Rainbow ran to check on Elemental while Dark tried to get Sabre to fight the mark.

"Sabre I'm here, listen you have to fight the mark" Dark yelled, but got the same result as Elemental and landed near the other two.

"I'm done listening. You broke our heart Elemental, now you will pay. Once we are done with you, the rest will follow" 'Sabre' said, "You should have realized your mistake earlier Elemental, now Sabre and I are close to one. He put up a good fight, but in the end I convinced him that none is worth our time"

Dark gritted his teeth he wanted to hit Mark so bad, but that would mean he would hurt Sabre. Elemental felt extremely guilty, if he hadn't been so selfish then Sabre would be fine and his brother would be wouldn't be so stress. Rainbow was worried about his friend, if him and Mark joined that means Mark go through to Sabre.

"Sabre if you can hear me, ignore Mark he's using you! Please! You have to fight it!"

"Sabre I'm sorry, I was selfish and made a dumb mistake. I want you and Dark be happy with each other. Fight it"

"Sabre I love you, please come back to me!"


(In Sabre's mind)

Sabre sat in Mark's lap zombie like. Mark had force him to become mindless so he could easily take over. It was against the rules to use this power, but he wants Elemental to pay for breaking his heart then every Steve next. All with the help of Sabre, now he sees why Elemental likes Sabre: he's fun breaking.

As for Sabre, he couldn't feel anything, but he could hear everything that was happening. The voices sound familiar, but he couldn't place his fingure on it.

"Who...are...they?" Sabre ask.

"No one you should worry about puppet" 

The more they talk, especially the dark and colorful one, the more Sabre felt he was in control.    

"Rain...bow? Dark?" Sabre said quietly.

"What did you say puppet?" Mark growled. He can't lose control, not yet.

"Rainbow, Dark" Sabre's eyes widen and got off of Mark's lap, "Rainbow! Dark! Help!"

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