Chapter 4

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Rainbow punch and kick the walls of his prison trying to find to escape and save Sabre.

'That heartless Steve! Force marking Sabre is beyond cruel!' Rainbow yelled in his head, "I going to make you pay for this Elemental!"

"And how do you expect to do that?" Rainbow glared at Elemental who leaned on the door frame with a smirk on his face.

"Where is Sabre!?" Rainbow growled.

"He's asleep for the time being, but I'm not here to talk about my darling; I'm here to talk to you about the location of the artifacts"

Rainbow groan, "This again? I told you, I don't know where they are or who they are."

Elemental didn't look so convince, "Fine, pretend you don't know. I think I'll go talk to Sabre again; I prefer the sounds he makes under me than your voice"

Rainbow clench his fists and gritted his teeth, "Don't lay a hand on him!"

"Oh? And what will you do?" Elemental smirk, but that quickly disappeared when Rainbow punch the wall next to him causing the material to crumble twice the size of Rainbow's fist.

While Elemental was surprise at Rainbow's strength Rainbow look at him with red harden eyes, "He's had enough to deal with; I'm not going to allow him to be force against his will and turn into someone he's not."

Elemental got over his shook and his famous smirk reappeared on his face, "But will you make it on? You know a force mark takes a few days, less if who ever made the mark is near them. You don't have much time left until he is all mine" Elemental chuckle as he left the room and a furious Rainbow.

Elemental entered his room to see Sabre staring out into space still in the big white shirt he made him wear that revealed his shoulder that showed the mark as clear as day and the baggie black pants.

You could tell Sabre was fighting the mark's influence since his eyes went back and forth between bright grey and gold. The closer Elemental got, the more gold dominated the grey until only little specks of grey remained. Though Elemental was in front of Sabre, the human has yet to acknowledge him.

"Hello my dear" Elemental kissed Sabre who barley responded, forcing himself from accepting the kiss.

The Steve pulled Sabre into his chest and laid on the bed, "To think, in a few days you'll be mine. Though not willing now, you will in the end"


After Elemental left, Rainbow did everything he could think of to get out, but without his powers nothing work. Eventually he wore himself out so Rainbow sat and started to use his head - not literally like he did five minutes ago. All of his thoughts were on saving Sabre before the mark takes full affect, but they were broken when he heard the door open. At first he was going to yell thinking it was Elemental when he heard a familiar voice.

"Rainbow, are you here?"

"Time!" The said Steve appeared and ran to his friend.

Time let out a sign of relief,  "I'm so glad I found you. Where is Sabre? I have yet to find him"

Rainbow glared at the ground below him, "Elemental gave him a force mark"

Time let out a gasp, he didn't think Elemental would do something like that, "How long?"

"We have a few days left, but since Elemental is with him the process will go quicker."

Time stayed quiet for a bit, "Rainbow, I have a plan, but you'll have to stay here for now"


"I have to find the cure for a force mark, luckily there is one. Meanwhile, you try to stall Elemental from going back to Sabre. The longer they are apart the better of a chance Sabre has of fighting the mark. I'll be back by tomorrow at the latest. I promise.

Rainbow was hesitant, but agreed to Time's plan no the less. Anything to get his best friend back.

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