Chapter 9

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Final chapter, sorry if this wasn't going as some of you hoped.


"Rainbow! Dark! Help!" Sabre screamed.

Rainbow and Dark continue to encourage Sabre to fight the mark while Elemental stood there and watch. He wanted to help, but the fear of messing up came back in his thoughts though they were cut short when Sabre let out a horrifying scream.

"I won't let go easily, I will take my revenge"

"Leave me alone!"

"Never! You're mine puppet!"

Dark wanted to hurt the mark so bed, but that means hurting Sabre and that is the last thing he would ever do. Rainbow felt even more powerless than he ever felt before. 

"Enough Mark, take you're revenge on me just leave Sabre alone" Elemental walk over with a determine face.

Mark look down at him, "Giving yourself up? Well that makes my job easier!" Mark took out an iron sword, "Now I can hurt you and keep this body"  

Elemental couldn't move when Mark dive at him with a sword, but what happen next surprise everyone. 

Frozen where he floated Mark could only make small movements.

"What?" Rainbow ask the question everyone was thinking.

"Dark!" The Steves turn to see Time who froze Mark and was struggling to keep him there, "Now! Do it now!"

Dark ran over, took the sword and held Sabre in his arms. While Sabre was embracing Dark, Mark was resisting. 

"I love you Sabre" Dark whispered before putting his lips on his phoinex who instanly kissed back. Sabre wrap his arms around Dark's while Dark put his on Sabre's waist.


(In Sabre's head)

Mark tried to get a hold of Sabre, but the darkness was preventing him from doing so. The darkness was Dark's aura protecting Sabre from Mark who faded more each passing. Before he completely disappeared, Mark grab Sabre on last time.



When Dark pulled away from the kiss, he notice that Sabre's eyes were turning back to their bright grey, but gold was still present. Sudden a flash of gold flashed through Sabre's eyes meaning Mark was in control.

"I'll get my revenge on you Elemental and the rest will follow!" Mark yelled before all traces of him disappeared. Sabre collapsed in Dark's arms who held him close to his chest.

"Dar?" Sabre groaned.

"It's over Sabre, it's all over" Dark petted Sabre's hair calming him down then fell asleep.

Rainbow walk over to see if his friend was fine and from the look on Dark's face he knew Sabre was safe, but he couldn't say the same for Elemental who felt internally guilty for everything. It took him a lot of courage before Elemental walk over and apologize for everything. Rainbow forgave, but will no forget; Dark will never forgive, but will try to forget; as for Sabre everyone knew he would forgive and forget what Elemental has done to him, though it might take some time. Speaking of time, Time had offered to take all of them back to where they were. He was mad at Elemental, he had every right to be, but after Elemental apologized to him, Time forgave him for now.

"I'm deeply-"

"If you say sorry one more time I will never forgive you" Dark growled. He was planning on forgiving Elemental due time because he would have done the same thing. 

Elemental chuckle nervously not wanting to anger Dark anymore.

"We know you're sorry Elemental, it will take time for us to forgive you completely so leave it be" Rainbow suggested. 

"Now if you excuse me, Sabre and I have to...get reacquainted" Dark chuckle and teleport away with Sabre leaving Time, Elemental, and Rainbow.

"I swear Dark would go mad without that human" Time laughed then look at Rainbow, "Come along Rainbow, time for you to go home"

Before Time teleport, Elemental grab him, "Please come back"

Time look into Elemental's eyes and nodded before he teleport away with Rainbow.     

Elemental let out a breath he was holding, he was glad things were semi fine with him and the others, but Mark's word worried him. He's not the only one who forced mark someone nor will he be the last and he's not the only one who anger Mark. The thing that worries him the most is that if Mark is strong enough, he could have become a living being. What if questions flooded through Elemental's mind, but the one thing he knows is that he'll protect anyone who Mark is aiming for.

"I won't allow anyone else to suffer because of my mistake" Elemental promised as he walk back into his home.


This is it unless someone wants to see Sabre and Dark. Next up is OriginSabre.

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