Oscar- "I'm invisible to him"

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Description: You are in love with Oscar but he never seems to notice.
Warnings: Swearing, Drinking.
You couldn't believe how stupid you felt, here you were sat in the corner while the guy you were completely in love with sat making out with a random girl. You just didn't get it, you were there for him through everything and yet he still couldn't see you. You tried to break your eyes from the scene in front of you but you couldn't. Part of you wanted to cry, the other part of you wanted to scream. You finally looked away and down at the cup in your hand, you swirled the drink around before downing it and standing up heading towards the kitchen to get another drink. You filled you drink up before quickly downing it again. You did the same thing again.
"Woah you might want to slow down there" you heard a voice say. My eyes followed were the voice was from. There stood Luis, another member of the Santos.
"Why? You don't care if I get wasted" You said as you downed yet another glass.
"True but if I let you get wasted and you get hurt or do something stupid then Oscar going to be pissed" you couldn't help but laugh. "What did I say something funny?" Luis questioned you furrowing his eyebrows.
"The fact the you think Oscar cares about me. I'm invisible to him" you said as you filled your glass again, Luis just shuck his head before walking off. You downed your cup again. And again. The alcohol was already affecting you, you could feel your cheeks heating up.

You walked back to the main area, keeping just your distance before you friend came over to you.
"Come on" she pulled you into the main area twirling you round. You normally weren't someone to dance but with alcohol running in your system let just say it influenced your decision. It wasn't long before you felt someone's hands on your hips, you quickly turned to see who it was. There stood someone that you had never met in your live, part of you felt uncomfortable but you decided to just go with it following the music.

The two of you were dancing for a few minutes before someone pulled you by the arm dragging you out the house. Before you could protest you were out on the front lawn of the house, you could now also see who had dragged you off more clearly. It was none other than Oscar. As soon as you saw it was him you quickly yanked you hand out of his grip.
"What the hell!" You crossed you arms glaring at him.
"That guy was all over you" Oscar said, he was trying to keep the calmness in his voice but you could tell he wanted to yell.
"Yeah and so. I was actually having fun" you brought down your voice to match his level, there was no need to make a scene.
"Y/N just get in the car" The angry was more prominent in his voice this time, usually you would do as he said but with the alcohol in you system you felt like challenging him more.
"No, I'm going to go back in there and dance with that guy some more" you turned to head back in the house before Oscar stopped you again. He pulled you by your arm, it wasn't a hard pull but one to get your attention. You turned back to look at him.
"Just get in the car" he sighed.
"I don't get it. I've been invisible to you all night and the minute I have a chance to dance with another guy you swoop in" you looked up at Oscar softening your expression. "Why is that?" You questioned. Oscar didn't reply. "You know what forget it" you walked past Oscar and towards the pavement to start the walk to your house.
"Where you going?" Oscar called out as you walked away.
"Home, like you wanted me to" you replied.
"Let me give you a ride"
"How about you piss off" you were done with Oscar, you can't keep loving someone who will never love you back.

Hope you guys enjoyed.
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