Cesar- "im not a damsel in distress"

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Description: Being the little sister to Oscar and Cesar, and a creep at your school keeps hassling you.

Warnings: swearing, pg lines.

I walked down the hallway and towards my locker. I opened my locker placing my book in side. I was about to grab the next book when my locker door shut. I turned to see Bryce smirking down at me, I rolled my eyes reaching to open my locker again but Bryce placed his hand against it. Bryce was a class A douche bag, he'd hit on every girl, he thought everyone wanted him (which wasn't true). He was the only guy in the school that would openly flirt with me, no other did considering I was the little sister of Oscar and Cesar everyone was scared of upsetting them.

"What do you want?" I asked.
"Do you know you ABC's" I squinted my eyes at him. "Cause I wanna give you the 4th letter of the alphabet"
"Excuse you" I snapper looking him up and down. Bryce took a step forward.
"You know, if I were you, I'd have sex with me"
"Your disgusting" I turned prepared to leave, my book wasn't worth this.
"Hey!" He yelled grabbing onto my wrist, I turned looking at him and then at my wrist which he was grabbing onto.
"Let go" I said keeping my voice calm as possible.
"Only if you agree to go to mine after" he smirked.
"You have three seconds" I warned but he didn't take it serious.
"1" I started as he held on smirking.
"2" I looked at him.
"Is everything okay" I turned to look to see Cesar walking over to us.
"Everything's fine" Bryce said still holding onto my hand.
"Really it doesn't seem that way" Cesar said looking at Bryce then at my wrist. I rolled my eyes.
"I've got this Cesar" I said.
"Really cause it kind of..." he started.
"Kinda what, do I look like a damsel in distress?" Cesar didn't reply, I let out a sigh.  "I'm not a damsel in distress, I'm a damsel doing damage" I said raising my free hand and slapping Bryce across his face causing him to release my wrist and bring his hand to his face.
"You bitch" Bryce said, Cesar pushed his way in between us.
"Just get lost" Cesar said his hands clenched at his side. Bryce walked away with his head hung. Cesar watched him till he was out of view before turning to look at me. "Some slap" Cesar laughed. I smiled as the two of us walked to our classes. Hopefully that stops him altogether.

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