Ruby- "But you have to! Its tradition!"

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Description: you don't want to have a Quince
Warnings: none

••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••I lay in my bed, it was currently 11 am in a Sunday morning, I had nothing planned

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I lay in my bed, it was currently 11 am in a Sunday morning, I had nothing planned. I let out a sigh as I scrolled through my Instagram completely bored out of my mind, I would have messaged the group but everyone was busy, Jamal was working with his dad, Monse and Cesar were on a date and Ruby was at church, he said he'd message me once he could. Another hour passed as I waited for a message from Ruby, which finally happened.
From: Smalls
Come over!

I let out a sigh as I got up and walked over to my bedroom door pulling it open.
"Mom!" I called walking out and towards the living room.
"Yeah" she walked to meet me in the hallway.
"I'm going to head to Ruby's" I replied pulling my jacket from where's it was hanging.
"Okay but don't be too late" she smiled as I put the coat on.
"I know, I'll be back before 9" I smiled walking over to the front door. I pulled the door open and made my way to the Martinez household. I knocked on the door and waited for the door to be open.
"Oh hi y/n" Mr Martinez greeted me.
"Hey Mr Martinez, Ruby messaged me to come over" I smiled looking up at him.
"Yeah sure come in" he stepped back allowing me in. "Ruby's in his room" he walked over to the couch where Mrs Martinez was.
"Hey Mrs Martinez" I waved walking past as I made my way to Ruby's room. I walked over to his room and knocked on his bedroom door.

It wasn't even that long before Ruby pulled the door open.
"In, we have something very important to discuss" Ruby grabbed my arm and practically dragged me into the room.
"Jeez" I laughed pulling my arm from Ruby's grasp. "Did you get someone pregnant?" I looked at him laughing, his face not breaking.
"Y/n this is serious" he crossed his arms looking at me.
"Then spit it out boy" I walked over and sat on the edge of his bed.
"We need to plan your Quinceañera" he crossed his arms standing in front of me. I let out a frustrated sigh lying back. I didn't want a Quinceañera, I know every girl within our community had one but I didn't. I didn't want the attention, I would literally die. "I was thinking pale blue, or maybe a lavander..." the boy paced.
"Ruby no" I rubbed my temple sitting up. 
"What do you mean no?" He stopped looking over at me.
"I don't want a Quinceañera" I shrugged as I spoke.
"What!" Shock written all over Ruby's face. "But you have to! It's tradition!" I shook my head before replying.
"Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people" I looked at the boy, hoping he would just drop it.
"No y/n, you need to have a Quinceañera" he stressed pacing again.
"No Ruby I don't need a Quinceañera" I put stress on the need part.
"Y/n!" He turned facing me.
"Why is this so important to you?" I asked the boy.
"Why isn't it important to you?" Ruby replied with a question. Maybe if I told him the reason then he would just leave it.
"I don't want to be the centre of attention. I don't want everyone's attention to be on me" I answered. Ruby sighed walking over and sitting next to me.
"Yeah but it'll be for a good reason, I'll make sure that everything goes perfect" he smiled at me.
"No ruby, please" I pleaded with the boy. Again Ruby sighed.
"Okay, what if we kept it small?" He looked over at me.
"How small is small?" I knew the two of us had different definitions of small.
"My family, yours, Monse and her dad, Cesar and Jamals family. That small enough" he turned to face me. I nodded smiling at the boy before resting my head against his shoulder.
"So it's a compromise" Ruby nodded at my statement.
"It's still going to be pretty great" I could hear the confidence within his voice.
"I don't doubt it. Just remember keep it small" Ruby laughed resting his head against mine.

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