Oscar- "Has someone called a fucking ambulance!"

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Description: happy events taking a sad turn
Warnings: just sadness, swearing.
I stood in the mirror as I fastener the necklace, I couldn't help but smile as I fixed my hair, I placed my hand on my stomach.
"You ready?" Oscar wrapped his arms around me, I turned and put mine around his neck pulling him into a kiss. "Did you just get lipstick on me?" I laughed as he wiped the red lipstick from his mouth. "You excited?" He asked as I walked over to my makeup and reapplying the lipstick.
"Yeah but also nervous" I turned to face him placing the lipstick back down.
"Why are you nervous?" Oscar walked forward.
"It's a big thing Oscar" I pushed my hair behind my shoulders.
"Everyone will be excited" he placed a kiss on my forehead.
"Do you think it's wrong that we didn't tell Cesar or your dad first" I looked over at Oscar who was now stood by the bedroom door.
"Cesar will understand and I don't really care what my dad thinks" he shrugged, I rolled my eyes. "So are you ready to get this party on, the sooner we do the sooner we can tell people" The excitement on Oscars face, he'd been like this since we found out I was pregnant. I had been nervous to tell him but he was more excited then I was, he was even planning to leave the Santos but he had somethings left to sort out. He had all these plans, to leave, get a real job, move to a safer area, I couldn't wait.
"Well let's go then" I laughed walking past him and out our bedroom and towards the kitchen. We decided that we'd gather all the Santos and our friends together and tell them all together all at once. It had been hard to not tell anyone, we'd kept it secret for over two months, it was my choice, I wanted to get passed the twelve week period. I had spent weeks researching the best way to tell our group of friends, I finally found these scratch cards, you scratch them and they say 'we're having a baby!". As I walked passed I grabbed the fake scratch cards and made my way outside Oscar behind me. As soon as I walked outside I was greeted by our friends, some I had known since I was six years old, I couldn't help but get a bit emotional. I turned to look at Oscar but he'd been grabbed by one of the other Santos, I shook my head with a laugh.
"You okay?" I turned to see Cesar walking over to me.
"Yeah I'm fine, just feeling a bit emotional" I smiled at the boy.
"She just needs a drink" I turned to see my best friend walking over with a glass of wine and handing it to me.
"No I'm deciding to stay sober" I lied I only needed to last a few more minutes.
"What? No" she took the glass back pulling a face.
"I'll have it" Cesar piped up.
"No you won't it's wine" Cesar laughed as my friend rolled her eyes.
"His at home" she looked at me.
"Still no" I took the glass and placed it on the side, Cesar walked away. "Your a really bad influence" she laughed looking at me.
"What's going on here" Oscar put his arm around my shoulder.
"Maias just being a bad influence on Cesar" Oscar laughed with Maia.
"What's with the cards?" She asked pointing to the stack in my hand, I looked up at Oscar with a smile.
"Your about to find out" Oscar took his hand from around my shoulder.
"Can I have everybody's attention!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and started to make there way over to us.
"Okay so I'm going to give everyone one of these and your not allowed to scratch them till we say so" I started to hand out the cards, Maia then Cesar then so on.
"Is this your sick way of saying you won the lottery or some shit" One of the Santos laughed I just shook my head.
"Better" I looked over my shoulder as I carried on handing the cards out. I finally finished and walked back over to Oscar.
"Okay you guys can start to scratch them" I smiled as Oscar placed his arm around me. A few seconds passed the only sound was people scratching the card when suddenly the silence was broken.
"Are you serious!" Maia clutched her card in her hand walking forward, I nodded my head a tears started to form in my eyes, she quickly pulled my into a hug as more people started to get the message. "Wait how far along are you?" She questioned pulling away.
"Just over three months" I laughed as I wiped tears away.
"You kept this from me for how long?"
"I know I wanted to tell you and I almost did but I just wanted to pass the twelve mark" Maia smiled again pulling me into another hug.
"I get to be the cool auntie right?" I laughed.

The Santos congratulated both me and Oscar, Mr Diaz pulled me into a hug.
"I'm so happy for the two of you" he pulled away a big smile on his face. "I hope this shows Oscar there's another life then being in the Santos"
"I think it has" I smiled at him, he just nodded turning and walking away, more people came and gave me hugs. Finally Cesar made his way over to me.
"I'm surprised you two kept that a secret" he laughed hugging me.
"I wanted to tell you separate but we then thought why not a group surprise" I smiled at the boy.
"I liked it this way it was fun and different" he looked around the party before I could reply I heard a bang followed by shouting.
"Get down!" The next few seconds passed in a blur as there was more bangs then I felt a searing pain, I wouldn't know how to explain it.
"Aliyah" I felt Cesar as I fell backwards. "Your going to be okay" Cesar put his hands under mine and lowered us to the ground, the pain growing. I took in the scene before me, there was multiple people lay on the floor, some in a pool of blood others just trying not to get shot. I couldn't help but want to help those shot. "No just stay" I turned to look at Cesar, he hand covered in blood but it there was no wound. That's when it hit me. I looked from Cesar down at my self, blood pooled around me. My first thought wasn't about my own safety but the baby's, the wound wasn't in the centre of my stomach but near the side, it should be fine right? More bangs rang out, some Santos had pulled their own weapons out and were firing back. I don't know how long it lasted but it felt like eternity then finally there was silence, no one was shooting anymore.
"Oscar!" Cesar yelled breaking the silence. I turned to the direction where Cesar was looking, Oscar was already running over pure panic on his face.
"Aliyah" he dropped taking my hand into his. "Someone call a fucking ambulance!" He yelled looking at the Santos before turning back to me. "You're going to be okay" tears started to form in Oscars eyes, I really hoped he was right.
"It hurts" I finally got out, Oscar squeezes my hand trying to be brave for me.
"It's gonna be okay just focus on me" I tried to but the outside of my visions started to darken, then pain also making me exhausted, my eyes started to close. "Aliyah!" He yelled, I tried to keep my eyes open but it was so hard. "Has someone called a fucking ambulance!" Was the last thing I heard before falling into darkness.

Hope you guys liked
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also I'm also at 100 chapters what should I do for the 100th chapter?

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