Ruby- "This takes finesse and focus"

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Description: Trying to help Ruby plan Olivia's quinceañera.
Warning: none
I knocked on the Martinez's front door, it didn't take long for the door to open and reveal Mrs Martinez.
"Y/n" she smiled welcoming me into her house.
"Hey, how are you?" I said with a smile.
"I'm good Mijah, how about you?" She replied.
"Yeah I'm good. Where's Ruby?" I asked looking around.
"Oh his in his room, you know him this quince has to be perfect" she laughed, I smiled making my way towards Ruby's room.

I knocked on the door before pushing it open. Ruby was stood up holding his phone against his ear.
"Well that not good enough" you could hear the stress in his voice. The boy passed around the room. Ruby's gaze focused on me before I could speak Ruby held his hand up to stop me. I nodded making my way to the bed and sitting down. "How about I take my business some where else" Ruby pulled his phone away from his ear and hitting the end call. I shook my head as I watched the boy, he let out a sigh throwing his phone on the bed next to me.
"This is really stressing you out" I looked at him as he ran a hand through his hair.
"Everything has to be perfect and no one seems to understand that" he sighed.
"Maybe I could help" I smiled.
"Sorry y/n but this takes finesse and focus, none of which you have" Ruby said looking me up and down.
"Umm what?" I stood up crossing my arms. "Who's organised all your birthdays for the last three years?" I crossed my arms looking him up and down.
"Yeah but this needs to be special and I have to handle it to make sure it is." I shook my head.
"Why does it have to be so perfect?" I asked.
"Well you know, considering her parents aren't here I thought if she had a good quince it would make her feel better" Ruby shrugged.
"So let other people help, they may have ideas that could make it even better" I uncrossed my arms.
"Your right" Ruby said barely audible.
"Excuse me, what was that?" I asked.
"I said you right" he rolled his eyes.
"So let's what have you done so far?" Ruby turned grabbing a bunch of papers off his desk and handing them to me.

I hope you guys liked.
I know it was short but I didn't know what else to write. The next one should be a Jamal one.
Request are open.
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