Jamal- "you want me to give you your book back? Make me"

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Description: you and Jamal studying in the library and things take a turn.
Warnings: Sexual content, swearing
I grabbed my books from my locker and shut it. I held them against my chest as I walked towards the library. We had a free period so we decided to spend it studying in the library, I quickly walked to the library doors pushing the doors open. The library was dead as usual, I quickly examined the area there was no one around other then the librarian. I walked past the empty tables to our regular one at the back. When I got there Jamal, Ruby, Cesar and Monse were already there. I took my seat across from my boyfriend Jamal, he smiled as I sat down.
"Hey guys" the guys replied with there smiled before returning to their studying. I placed my book on the table opening them to the pages that I was going to study from. I read the first page writing down notes that I needed.

I was brought out of my concentration by my phone buzzing in my pocket, I fished it out checking who had messaged me. Jamal contact name flashed on the screen, I unlocked my phone checking the message.
From: Baby💋
I thought of something I want to do to you tonight

I read the message twice before I looked up and over at Jamal. He was sat looking at his book but her had a smirk on his face. I smiled before typing a message back.
To: Baby💋
I'm busy tonight. You can't have me till tomorrow.

I typed the message placing it on the table waiting for Jamal's phone notification to go off. It took about five seconds for it to go off. Jamal took his phone out of his pocket, he read the messaged confusion taking over his face. He stared at his phone for a minute before he replied. Again it only took five seconds before my phone notifications went off. I picked my phone up and checked the new message.
From: Baby💋
I fucking hate you! Stop looking at me all sexy

I looked up smirking at him. I didn't waste anytime replying to his message.
To: Baby💋
You say 'hate me' but all, but all I hear is 'fuck me".

I hit send, I looked up at Jamal who was acting innocently as he answered a questions Cesar's had asked him. Once he'd finished replying to Cesar he looked at the message. I bite my lip as he read the message, he looked up at me. I looked him him up and down before smirking and turning to my notes. My message notifications went off, I checked them.
From: Baby💋
Are you trying to turn me on...

Before I replied another message came through on my phone.
From: Baby💋
You have no idea how much I want you.

My gaze shot straight up and towards Jamal who was looking straight at me. I looked over at our three friends, the three of them were in their own little worlds.
Behave, we're in public, you know.

I typed the message not looking up from notes at Jamal. I wrote a few before my phone went off again. A smile on my face as I looked at my phone.
From: Baby💋
I just can't control myself around you...

Before I could reply to the message the school bell rang signalling that it was time for lunch.
"Finally" Ruby said grabbing his books as he stood up. Monse and Cesar quickly followed behind him. I stood up grabbing my own things ready to follow. I reached over to one of my books that was close to Jamal but before I could grab it he did, I looked at him raising an eyebrow.
"You coming" I turned to look over at Cesar who was holding the library door open.
"You go ahead we'll catch you up" Jamal waves Cesar over. Cesar nodded before exiting the library. I turned back to Jamal holding my hand out.
"Can I have my book back please" I smiled as I placed the ones I had back on the table in a pile before walking over to him.
"You want me to give you your book back? Make me" Jamal held the book up. I rolled my eyes before walking closer to him wrapping my arms around his neck, I pulled him closer closing the gap between us. The kids started off innocently but turned into to a make out session, I pulled away grabbing my book from his hand and placing it on the table. As I placed it down Jamal placed his hands on my hips turning me to face him. Before I could say anything Jamal kissed me, the kiss was as heated as it had been previously. Jamal gripped my bum, signalling for me to sit on the table that was behind me. I pulled away, Jamal rested his head against mine. We were positioned with me on sat on the table and Jamal between stood between my legs. I pushed a few stray hairs out my way as I tried to get my breath back from the kiss.
"I can't get enough of you" Jamal said as he kissed me again. I wrapped my arms back around his neck pulling us closer together. Jamal moved from kissing me on the mouth down to the neck, I bite my lip trying to suppress a moan but failing.
I forgot where we were as Jamal carried on kissing my neck leaving a hickey. I bite my lip again closing my eyes focusing on the moment. I don't think I've ever been as turned on as I was right now. I opened my eyes remembering where we were.
"We should probably stop" I pulled away, Jamal looked at me confusion on his face.
"Why?" He asked. I smiled linking my arms together round his neck.
"Because we're in the library"
"Yeah but there's no one here" Jamal said.
"Also the others are waiting for us and if we too long they'll most likely come looking for us and I'm pretty sure the wouldn't want to see us having sex" Jamal smiled before placing a kiss on the tip of my nose.
"Okay but wait till we get home" he kissed me moving away holding his hand out. I took it pushing myself off the table.
"The anticipation is gonna kill me" I smirked as I grabbed my books the two of us walking to the canteen.

A/N: I don't know how I feel about this one, it was meant to go further. Hope you guys liked. Plus this is the first smutty type thing I've wrote so I'm sorry if it's not any good.

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