Oscar~ "Dont blame me for his failings" (part 2)

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Description: This is a follow on from the previous one.
Y/s/n = your sisters name
It had been months since I'd spoken to Oscar. After hearing about what Oscar did I offered for Cesar to sleep at our house, Cesar tried to turn down the offer but I wouldn't allow it, I didn't want him to spend any more nights sleeping on the streets or in Monse's dads car. The way that we worked it was that y/s/n would sleep in my room with me while Cesar took y/s/n room. When our parents returned it took some talking to them to get them to coming round to the idea of letting him stay but they did.

Today was a normal day Cesar and y/s/n headed out to school, my parents headed out to work while I tidied around the house considering it was my day off. After about an hour of cleaning there was a knock at the door, I pulled off the gloves that I was wearing and made my way to the door pulling it open but there was no one one there.
"Hello" I called out stepping out walking down the path crossing my arms but I couldn't see anyone. I shook my head making my way back when I saw it, on the ground there was a small gold bullet something that I had missed on my way out. My heartbeat picked up as I walked closer to the bullet picking it up, I quickly turned round examining the surrounding area once again. Tear started to form in my eyes from the fear, not just for myself or my family but also for Cesar. I quickly returned to the safety of my house walking to my phone and clicking my sister phone number.
Y/s/n answered on the second dial tone.
"What?" She asked.
"Cesar can't come back here, it's not safe for him" I quickly said walking to the window to check the area again.
"What?" She asked again, you could tell that she was surprised.
"You need to get Cesar somewhere safe, they know that he was here" I held the bullet tightly on my hand.
"Y/n what's going on?"
"Y/s/n just make sure Cesar goes somewhere safe after school" I ended the call and walked towards where I kept my jacket hanging, I pulled it off the hook and put it on before exiting the house.

My pace was fast as I headed towards my destination but it slowed down when it came into view. Oscars house, outside there was only Luis one of the Santos smoking a cigarette.
"Well look who it is, long time no see Chica" he put his cigarette out when he saw me.
"Where's Oscar?" I asked my voice wary.
"His inside, you okay?" He asked noticing that I was wary.
"Can you get him" Luis nodded quickly heading in the house. I took the time to look around the area, even though this was the safest place to be.
"Hey" I snapped back to see Oscar standing where Luis had been. He face went from annoyance to worry when he could see how shaken up I was. "What wrong?" Oscar took steps forwards till he was in front of me. I reached my hand into my pocket and pulled the bullet out that had been left outside my door. I opened my hand and showed Oscar. "Where did you get this from?" He asked taking it from my hand and examining it the way that I had previously.
"It was left on my door step" I said.
"What?" His voice filled with anger.
"I don't know if it was left to scare me or my family, or if it was left for Cesar" wrapped my arms around myself.
"Why would they leave a bullet for Cesar at your house?" He asked, I turned my gaze from Oscar to the floor. "Y/n" he said sternly.
"Fine" I threw my hands up and looking at him. "Cesar's being staying at mine. I couldn't leave him sleeping on the streets Oscar, I just couldn't" my voice growing quieter as I spoke. Oscar placed his hands on the side of my face forcing me to look at him.
"Thank you for taking him in but you put yourself in danger" he rested his forehead against mine.
"Oscar you-you have to help him" I pulled away giving him my best puppy eyes.
"Y/n I want to but I can't" he sighed.
"Why can't you?" I questioned pulling further away.
"None of this was my decision, I didn't want to throw my own brother out. I had no choice" I looked down, I wanted to blame him for the position Cesar was in but it wasn't his decision and deep down I knew that. Oscar kissed my forehead before pulling me into a hug.
"no dejaré que nadie te lastime" he said as he hugged me tighter.

Hope you guys like.
I don't know if the Spanish in the last part is correct, let me know.
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