Oscar- "you heard me!" (Part 3)

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Description: Y/n finally talks to Oscar after everything.
Warnings: swearing
I watched as everyone congratulated the group. The smiles on their faces, I was happy and proud of all of them. They all got into the colleges that they wanted including Cesar, I was surprised to hear that he was going to college. I smiled as my brother made his way towards me.
"Hey" my brother smiled at me. "You okay?"
"I'm fine" my brother took a seat next to me.
"I saw you encounter with Oscar" I looked at my brother, concern was written on his face.
"How? I thought-" "I knew Oscar was going to be there so I wanted to keep and eye on you" I smiled at him.
"I can handle Oscar now" I laughed
"Oh I know that" he laughed with me.
"I'm really proud of you" I placed my hand around his shoulder pulling him into me.
"I know" he rested his head on my shoulder.
"Hey y/n" I looked from my brother to the boy stood in front of me, Cesar.
"Hey Cesar" I pulled my arm from around my brother as he stood up.
"I was wondering if we could talk" Cesar looked down at the ground before back up.
"Sure" I stood up from my seat and nodded to an area away from everyone. I knew whatever he wanted to talk about was private. Cesar nodded making his way over to the area followed by me.

"So what do you want to talk about?" I asked the boy with a smile.
"It's Oscar..." he trailed off. I looked down before looking up pushing the hair out my way.
"What about him" I said.
"I know he doesn't deserve any forgiveness or anything like that but could you just talk to him, just let him say what he has to say" I bite the inside of my lip as Cesar spoke.
"We've already spoken, he didn't have much to say" I crossed my arms.
"He does, please just talk to him" I could see how much this must have meant to Cesar. I had already spoken to Oscar once more couldn't hurt right?
"Fine" I let out a sigh looking around the back garden. "Where is he?" I asked the boy.
"He went home, he thought it was for the best you know" I nodded my head before walking to the side of the house and slipping away hoping no one would notice.

I made the short walk to Oscars house. When I did this walk when I was a teenager I used to have butterflies and each step they got worse as I got older the feeing turned to dread knowing there was probably a girl there, now the walk didn't cause anything, there was no feelings. It just felt like walking down another path, a simple path that meant nothing to me. Not the path to the guy I love or heartbreak.

Ask I said the walk was a short one. I was now stood in front of the Diaz house. It looked exactly the same, I don't know what I was expecting. I made my way to the front door before knocking. There was no answer. I knocked again, this time I could hear movement on the other side of the door.
"Cesar how many times do I have to tell you about taking your keys with you" Oscar said as he pulled the door open stopping when he saw me. "Y/n" surprise on his face.
"Oscar" I replied crossing my arms. A silence fell between us.
"Uhh, do you want to come in?" He asked opening the door some more. I could now see into the living room, the place was a mess. I could see empty cans on the floor as well some plates and dishes. From the looks of it while I was getting my life together Oscars life had been falling apart.
"I thinks it's better if we just talk here" I replied. Oscar nodded.
"So what are you doing here?" He leant on the door frame.
"Cesar said you wanted to talk" Oscar looked at the ground not meeting my gaze. "Oscar this is your one chance"
"I know, I just don't know how to put everything into words" he replied to me.
"Well Oscar truly something" I shrugged.
"Well I guess I should start with saying I'm sorry" Oscar looked up. I nodded my head. "I screwed up, not just once but multiple times. Even when I screwed up you still stayed with me. Even though me screwing up hurting you. I pushed you to a point where you left not just me but your family, your friends, you life here. I'm sorry, I truly am. I didn't see what I had, I didn't see how amazing you are. I didn't let you be your own person. Part of me did that because I knew you could be this person" Oscar signalled me up and down with his hand, my eyes started to tear but there was no way I was going to cry. "I-fuck, I just all I can say is I'm truly truly sorry" Oscar ran a hand over his forehead. I closed my eyes as I thought about everything Oscar had said. "Y/n" Oscar said lightly.
"Hmm" I opened my eyes looking at him.
"So..." his gaze met mine.
"So what?" I took a deep breath in.
"Could this work? I promise I'll never do what I did" I shook my head as soon as Oscar finished speaking. Oscar let out an exhale.
"Oscar were not good together, plus I have a new life know that I love" I smiled at the guy in front of me. I could tell his was breaking but after everything I would never be able to trust him and a relationship without trust won't ever last.
"I never stood a chance, did I?" He asked .
"That's the sad part- you did once" I replied before walking away from Oscar and his house. Even though I wasn't looking for it I got some sort of closure.

This will most likely be the last part
for this series. Not everyone can forgive and get back together.
Especially if it was an unhealthy relationship and didn't have trust.
I hope you like

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