Ruby- "She will, anyone would be crazy not to like you"

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Requested by: @Rollerworlddruby
Description: Meeting Ruby's parents for the first time.
For this one instead of using y/n I'll be using Sydney but you can always change this to your names.
Warnings: swearing.
I bite my lip as I made my way towards Ruby's house. Today was the day that I was meeting Ruby's parents, and to say that I was scared was an understatement, I was shitting myself. I knew Ruby's family was important to him.  I held the roses that I had brought to give Mrs Martinez tightly. Before today I had asked Ruby what her favourite flowers were, as expected he had no idea what her favourite flowers were so I went with the safe option of Roses. I looked up the different meanings of the colours before deciding. I picked peach coloured ones, the colour signified being grateful for someone or showing appreciation to that person.

It didn't take me long to get to Ruby's. I walked up Ruby's front path taking in a deep breath before knocking on his door. I turned looking around just trying to distract myself as I waited. I felt like throwing up but that probably wouldn't be a good first impression. After another couple of seconds the door opened, I turned to see Ruby stood there.
"Hey" he smiled instantly reassuring me.
"Hey" I smiled back.
"Come in" Ruby stood back welcoming me into his home. As soon as I entered I noticed a woman who I'm guessing was Mrs Martinez, she was really pretty, as soon as she saw me she looked me up and down she didn't seem that impressed. Next to her was whom I'm guessing was Ruby's father, his father was taller then his mother, he had a beard, he seemed more welcoming. "Mom, dad, this is Sydney" Ruby introduced me.
"Hi" I smiled holding my hand towards them, Ruby's mom just looked at my hand while his dad took it shaking it.
"Nice to finally meet you Sydney, Ruby's been speaking nonstop about you for the last three months" his dad laughed, I looked over at Ruby who had a slight blush on his cheeks.
"Nice to meet you. These are for you Mrs Martinez" I said holding the flowers out to her. She seemed reluctant to take them at first but did after a couple of seconds. She took the flowers before turning and walking off into the kitchen muttering something in spanish. Ruby's dad gave me another smile before following his wife.
"How about we go sit in the living room" Ruby said placing his hand on my back ushering me into the living room. The Tv was on but no one was sitting watching. I took a sit on the couch, Ruby sitting next to me.
"I don't think your mom likes me" I turned to face Ruby.
"She's just takes some time" he tried reassuring me. I looked around expecting to see Ruby siblings somewhere but I couldn't see them.
"Where are you siblings?" I asked.
"Abuelita took the twins out, my parents thought it would be better if they weren't here. Mario I think is in his room" and just as if I'm cue Mario came walking out of one of the rooms.
"You must be Ruby's girlfriend" Mario smiled walking over to the two of us.
"Hi, I'm Sydney" I smiled holding my hand out to him as he got closer. Like Mrs Martinez Mario looked me up and down.
"Mario" he smiled taking my hand and shaking it, I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding in. "I'm guessing our Moms been giving you the tough act" he laughed as he sat down. I looked over at Ruby who nodded for me. "Don't sweat it, she'll come round, eventually" Mario looked seriously at me.
"How long does that usual take?" I looked between the pair, the two of them shrugged. Mario stood up as I closed my eyes, my leg bouncing up and down due to being anxious.
"Hey, it'll be fine" I looked at Ruby.
"I just want her to like me..." I looked down.
"She will, anyone would be crazy not to like you" Ruby took my hand in his giving it a squeeze.
"Esta listo" Ruby dad said, I looked at Ruby who took my hand in his.
"Come on, its ready" he smiled. I took his hand in mine as I walked towards the dinning table, the table was all set and it looked amazing. I took a seat next to Ruby as Ruby's mom and dad took a seat at either end of the table with Mario opposite us.

During the dinner it was mainly Ruby's dad doing the talking or Mario. I don't even think Mrs Martinez spoke once, I think she just wanted it to be over as quick as possible. As soon as she was finished she took her plate and Mr Martinez plate before heading to the kitchen. Mario followed her carrying his own plate, I took in a deep breath before standing up and grabbing mine and Ruby's plate.
"What are you doing?" He asked as I held the plates.
"Helping to clean" I replied.
"I can do that" he started to stand up.
"Ruby" his dad spoke up knowing what I was trying to do. I was trying to get to know his mom, maybe this was the way to do it. Ruby sat back down as I made my way to the kitchen. As soon as I entered Mrs Martinez turned seeing me, I smiled.
"Should I just empty this into the bin?" I asked looking at the food left on the plate. She nodded before turning back to the sink and continuing to wash up. I emptied the plates and walked over to the sink placing them on the side before grabbing a dish cloth and walking to the the things that needed drying. I grabbed the first plate and started to dry it. Mrs Martinez turned to look at me.
"You don't have to do that" she said as she turned to fully face me.
"I want to" I replied as I continued to dry up.
"I know what your thinking" she turned back to the washing bowel and continued. "That I'm being too overprotective..."
"No, your his mom and after everything I don't blame you" I said placing the plate to the side and grabbing something else to dry.
"You don't?" She placed something down for me to dry up.
"No, I mean you want what's best for him so do I" I turned to look at her. "You don't want him to get hurt and I don't plan to hurt him" I placed the thing I was drying to the side and grabbed something else. Mrs Martinez turned to look at me.
"Thank you for the roses" she pointed to a vase with the roses in, I smiled.
"I wasn't sure if you liked roses, I did ask Ruby what your favourite flower was but he told me he didn't know" Mrs Martinez laughed shaking her head.
"Would you believe that I tell him every Mother's Day what they are" she had a smile on her face. "Lilies" I nodded as she told me.
"I'll have to write that down for the future" Mrs Martinez smiled.
"Is everything okay in here" the two us turned to look over at the kitchen door way and there stood Ruby.
"Everything's fine" Mrs Martinez replied, before Ruby could say anything Ruby's dad came up behind him and placed his hands on his sons shoulders turning him round before smiling at the two of us.

After finishing the washing up we spent the rest of the night sat in the living room talking and laughing.

I hope you like.
It's like 2:30 am 😂
Also so could find a song to go so yeah....
Anyway, request are open.
Feel free to message me

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